Select Board Minutes 05.17.11

MAY 17, 2011

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair opened the meeting at 5:30pm with Barry Wheeler, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Jack Meaney was absent.

Public Hearing re: Name Change of the Boat Launch:

Jon Marden read a letter written by David Currier supporting the naming of the boat landing road to “Ryan’s Way” in honor of Ryan E. Bishop. (Letter is on file). The naming will accomplish two important things.

1. It will identify more clearly the road to the boat launch for 9-1-1 purposes.

2. It will honor the memory of Ryan Bishop who for the last five years was a Lake Host at the boat landing.

Harry Wright, Chair asked for any questions or input from the floor. There being none, the Public Hearing was closed. It was stated that the Massasecum Lake Association will cover the cost of the signage.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to name the Boat Launch at Lake Massasecum “Ryan’s Way”. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 2-1.


Planning and CIP Committee:

Marcia Keller, Planning Board Chair advised that at the Planning Board meeting last Tuesday night it was unanimously voted by the Board to continue as was started last year with the Capital Improvement Program. Don Jackson will continue as Chair and the rest of the committee will remain as last year. Bill Glennie, Planning Board representative, Harry Wright, Selectmen representative, Marlene Freyler, Dick Keller and Jon Marden.

This is a Planning Board function, but as was done last year, the Selectmen did join the Planning Board in signing and circulating a letter of agreement. The CIP Committee has also come up with a timeline which has been formalized this year. The Selectmen signed the letter this evening.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief advised this is a guide. He also stated that summer is a busy time for the Fire Department, and they may be late in their reports.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to sign the joint memorandum from the Planning Board and Selectmen to initiate the CIP process for this year. Barry Wheeler seconded the motion. Motion carried 2-0.

Marcia Keller, Chair Planning Board questioned the Flood Insurance Program in Bradford. It is understood that Bradford no longer has a Building Inspector and the Selectmen were questioned if this were true to which they answered yes. Marcia Keller advised having a Building Inspector is essential to Bradford’s staying in the Flood Insurance Program. This town has been sanctioned by the State in the past for not having a Building Inspector or for having one who did not carry out the functions related to the Flood Insurance Program. We do not want to lose our Flood Insurance, and we will if we do not have a functioning Building Inspector who among other things understands the vital part they play in the Flood Insurance Program. There has been an Assistant Building Inspector, for the past two years. Harry Wright, Chair advised he will look into this.

BACC – Jim Valiquet:

Jim Valiquet, Police Chief advised the consensus of the Governing Board of the BACC was to appoint a commission under RSA 35-B. This would basically do what the Governance Board was designed to do, be able to enter into any contract to collect fees, maintain the building, to promote leisure time activities for the town. RSA 35-B would allow the committee to function under the Town Umbrella for insurance. The intent would be to nominate Board members, then the Board of Selectmen would appoint them.

Carol Adams advised it looks like a win/win situation. Jim Valiquet also stated that this would be a link between the Town and Tax payers, allowing oversight as well as it empowers the commission to act with some true automate. This could be a link between the Board of Selectmen, Tax payers and the Commission which has been missing here-to-for. The first thing that broke down was the BCC which created the issue where the BACC did not have the ability to take any money, which was happening by taking in rents and taking in money and putting it into a checking account which was wrong. The Town Warrant Article 41 put it on the line by stating that the Townspeople wanted to see something better happen over there with more accountability. The Statute empowers them to start doing some things and promoting leisure time for the community. Jim Valiquet advised there would be no private money at all, it would all go through the Town Treasurer as one revolving account with the melding of the BACC and Parks and Rec with the commission, subject to auditing. Jim Valiquet advised there are three things to make this successful: 1. Responsibility. 2. Authority. 3. Accountability. Allowing for all three, in proper order and percentage should allow for success. This would allow for municipal type Grants in the future. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she does not see this as being much different than how things were previously done which was not successful in the past. Written memo’s of understanding would be available stating expectations.

Dawn Rich advised they still have the 501-C3, Friends of the BACC where they can still accept Grants and donations, and all who have been involved with the Board over the years will continue to meet and work this out to keep the great center going.

A question was asked by Jon Marden, could the Selectmen dissolve an established commission. Also, the new commission would need to be involved with the Budget Committee for expenditures.

Motion was made by Harry Wright to authorize the formation of a Parks and Recreation Commission. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 2-0.

Conversation ensued.

Brooks McCandlish re: Naomi Payne:

Brooks McCandlish, Zoning Board of Adjustment Chair came before the Selectmen regarding Mike Barrett, contractor, who has been working at the Naomi Payne property, came before the Selectmen several months ago and assured the board that the proper procedures were under way and that everything would be followed as it should be. Mr. Barrett did get in touch with Brooks McCandlish as he was not sure that was the case with the work he had done and was being proposed to do so they went on a tour of the project to see the scope of it. Mr. Barrett did state that as a contractor he is liable to follow the State laws as well as the land owner and at this time he is not sure that all permits are in place. He is not sure how to address this while still working for the land owner. Two sets of permits are required, for drains and wetlands. Brooks McCandlish advised he is here to keep the Selectmen informed as Mike Barrett had made some assurances to them and he is not sure that he can still make. There are several crossings which have been improved. Most of this is in Hillsboro. One permit was approved last week and in theory, no work should be done until the permits that are required are in for Alteration of Touraine. No action is due at this time.

Marcia Keller, Planning Board Chair suggested a letter be written to the land owner and contractor acknowledging where they stand and assurance that all working permits are received before any more work is done in Bradford.

Marlene Freyler re: Fireworks:

Marlene Freyler presented the Selectmen with a contract for signatures regarding fireworks for the 4th of July celebration. Discussion ensued regarding new laws and possibility the requirement of a new location to set them up. Barry Wheeler, where they have been set up for several years will contact Atlas Company.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator read two letters from the Planning Board requesting the Selectmen take action on two non-conforming signs, being Carolyn Demers and the Lumber Barn.

Accounts Payable Manifest and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.

Tax billing error-with letters mailed were discussed resulting from a software problem in the amount of $13,225.00 of over billing. There were two letters mailed to the tax payers involved. It was mentioned that the amount of personnel time and postage money involved should be kept track of for pursuing remuneration. The Selectmen signed the copy of the abatement list.

A Fuel Storage tank for the Transfer Station discussed currently being a 55 gallon drum, not in a collection tank. There are funds in the Maintenance Account for a tank.

There is going to be a Road Plate auction coming up and Jeff Remillard, Road Agent questioned if he should attend. The Selectmen agreed this would be a good idea and a one half price of new plate appropriate for size was suggested as a purchasing amount.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she had been contacted by Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief regarding two private bridges that were in question for using town equipment on: one on Center Road and one off Fairgrounds Road into a subdivision. A letter has been drafted to Ms. Mendes regarding the private bridge on Center Road. There is one residence on fairgrounds Road being lived in.

There are some repairs needing to be addressed at the Town Hall. Water is coming down the front wall of the Police Station by the handicapped ramp and there is someone coming in to assess and give an estimate for repairs.

The pre-school at the Community Center is looking to replace their shades which has a quote of $1,100.00. Also, there is a problem with the front of the building that needs to be addressed. After comments about the windows in the Senior Room, Bruce Edwards advised those windows are fine.

The Selectmen signed a deed for reclaiming some property that was re-purchased today.

The arrangement has been met.

Ann Eldridge re: new appointee to the Conservation Committee:

Ann Eldridge came before the Selectmen with a request to appoint Seth Benowitz as a Conservation Commission member.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to appoint Seth Benowitz as a member of the Bradford Conservation Commission. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 2-0.

The shades in the Senior Room were reported to be fine, and are room darkening. The shades in the pre-school room are currently venetian blinds, damaged, and a hazard and are not room darkening. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised one of the lower priced black out shades were $1176.00. These would have to be installed. It was stated that the Friends of the BACC paid for them previously in 2006.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised maintenance concerns for the Community Center should be listed and presented to the Selectmen.

Harry Wright, Chair advised the Selectmen should see the Commission structure and their first round of process and procedure, and if appropriate will go with that.

Bement Bridge update:

Harry Wright, Chair put together a non-legal task list from knowledgeable people of what needs to be done with the Bement Bridge. This list will be forwarded to Truax, Dennie Hisler and J. R. Graton with a request of communications by May 31, 2011. Cheryl Behr, Administrator will check to see if an insurance rider could be added to the town policy for Bement Bridge repair work.

An intent to cut on Old Mountain Road the forester would like to have the fee waived as he has put $35,000 in road repair. It was stated that the town cannot put money in a Class VI Road. A letter will be sent stating a bond is still required.

It was stated that singling out loggers for a required bond is not right as gravel trucks, concrete trucks, excavators etc. are heavy vehicles using the roads and no bonding is required for them. Bradford is the only town of the surrounding towns that continues to require bonding. Barry Wheeler will put some guidelines together for what the rules should be.

The area Selectmen meeting was attended by Harry Wright, Chair and the basic topic of conversation was school and budget as well as regionalization with no conclusions.

Barry Wheeler brought up again the possibility of holding weekly Selectmen meetings instead of every two weeks. The time for each meeting would probably be shorter.

Laura Hallahan questioned the Selectmen as to why the minutes are not approved weekly. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the minutes really do not have to be approved.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 8:00pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley