Selectmen’s Agenda 07.08.13

Selectmen’s Meeting


July 8, 2013


Pledge of Allegiance




1. Stephen Heavener to discuss proposal for TIF modification




1. Lois is requesting Selectmen’s approval to apply to DES for a food composting permit

2. Discuss results of Independence Day Celebration

3. Discuss French’s Park – possibility of Guest Passes?

4. Hire Perry Teele to mark the properties for sale




Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests for review and signature


Pending issues:

1. Employee job descriptions and wage/salary step scale


Review and approve minutes

Selectmen’s Meeting


July 8, 2013


Pledge of Allegiance




1. Stephen Heavener to discuss proposal for TIF modification




1. Lois Kilnapp, transfer station manager, is requesting Selectmen’s approval to apply to DES for a food composting permit

2. Discuss results of Independence Day Celebration

3. Discuss French’s Park – possibility of Guest Passes?

4. Hire Perry Teele to mark the properties for sale




Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests for review and signature


Pending issues:

1. Employee job descriptions and wage/salary step scale


Review and approve minutes