Select Board Minutes 07.01.13



JULY 1, 2013

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call To Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order with Sonny Harris, John Pfeifle, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Town Hall Repairs – new panel for alarm system- problems with the plastic sheeting:

The new panel for the fire alarm was put in and during the inspection, found problems.

John Pfeifle stated he and the Fire Chief found additional problems with the material used to seal off areas which is flammable. All the sheeting will come down and be replaced with fire retardant material. Both sides of the stage are closed off, all the other things, down stairs and air testing are found to be ok, and the rest rooms may be used. A Hazardous Waste sign was put on the janitor’s closet down stairs because of the floor.

Fire Chief, Mark Goldberg did state that Fire Extinguishers are needed to be installed. It was reiterated that the goal is to use the facility into the fall, and Mark Goldberg restated that 49 people can be on the second floor at one time.

Marilyn Gordon read the following list of questions and concerns she has regarding monies earned for the Town Hall Restoration Project, and how it is handled.


  • Need to specify to the public if it is restricted or unrestricted money.
  • If someone bids thinking that it is going to a specific cause (restoring the Town Hall) than those funds have to go to the Trustees of the Trust. Unrestricted goes to me and into the general fund. However some people will not be happy thinking its going to one place and instead it’s going to another. They think that they are giving a charitable tax deduction to the Town.
  • By the restoration committee using the name of the Town they are using the name of the Selectmen
  • Your telling people this is going to the restoring of town hall and what happens if the project doesn’t go forward and you have to give the money back. You need to keep records or have a Plan B of some sort.
  • The attorney said that you gentlemen didn’t give this much thought. 1 said no you didn’t and that you wait until the last minute and you do it without research.
  • By not restricting the money or unrestricting and you think that you will have the money in hand to do what you want. You better think again because the auditors or DRA won’t be happy,
  • One selectman cannot say yes to the committee. Harry was supposed to come back to the board and make the proposal at a selectmen’s meeting & Harry nothing was said at a selectmen’s meeting unless it was talked about at one of your private meetings.
  • 32:10 I Sub Section E. No means No. What that means if something was voted down at town meeting you cannot do anything on that project or building for 1 year. Only maintenance if the building is going to fall down. Hole in the roof, window broken—yes. But the alarm system, the cleaning of band aid that Tom Dunne did—no.


  • You better think about what you are doing and think it through thoroughly because you are putting the town in jeopardy
  • You are not going to have that money in your hand & people need to know before they put their bid in where it is going.
  • There will be no accountability of the money, no paper trail and how do I know or the people know what you are spending on.
  • Now if you want to talk with Paul Sanderson of LGC please do so. If fact he even made mention that he will probably expecting a call from you.

Also I talked with Michelle Halsted and that money cannot be put into the Rural Heritage.

Marilyn made the comment that the vote at Town Meeting was to not renovate the town hall. George Cilley pointed out that the vote at Town Meeting was on the Bond Issue. Harry Wright, Chair advised that people who donate funds, which go into the 501C3 Account, do receive a receipt advising this is tax deductible. An auction, flea market etc does not get a receipt for a tax deductible amount. Ann Eldridge advised you cannot receive a tax deduction receipt for something received such as a flea market item etc. where you received goods for money. Harry Wright, Chair read the letter dated June 12, 2013 into the minutes from the Rural Heritage Connection, regarding their continued support of the Town Hall Restoration. ( Letter on File.)

Site Walk on Sidewalk Project:

Cheryl Behr advised Mike Croteau wants to set up an appointment with the Selectmen for a final checking up on the new sidewalks on East Main Street.

Need to re-establish safety committee (per RSA 281-A:64-annual inspections of Town Buildings (Per LAB 603:03):

It was stated that the town needs to re-establish a safety committee with annual inspections of the town buildings, provided by two people. The Safety Committee should meet quarterly with a management person and a full time employee for each department with input from both sides requested.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to appoint Walter Royal, Code Enforcer for stump dump inspection and to monitor signs as tasks set by the Selectmen, along with his other duties. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to appoint Brooks McCandlish to inspect on the Town’s behalf, the aggregate of Permitted Gravel Pits on an annual basis. A letter of authorization will be forwarded to Brooks McCandlsih. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

French’s Park:

Discussion regarding an attendant at French’s Park was discussed, and additional information is needed. This will be discussed at a later meeting.

Historic Society abatement. Process now or wait until December?

Discussion regarding the Historical Society’s abatement on the newly acquired Stewart building took place.

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to not bill the Historical Society for taxes at this time. Seconded by John Pfeifle. Motion carried 3-0.

Preparation for July 6th Celebration.

It was stated that the Highway Department will be working Thursday and taking Friday off as the holiday, and any help needed from them should be planned accordingly.

Marlene Freyler brought in the contract for the Selectmen to sign for the climbing wall to be used during the celebration.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Discussion regarding the upcoming Public Auction of town owned land to be held on July 27, 2013 at 10:00am was discussed.

Motion was made to sell to Tom Patenaude a piece of town owned land for $250.00. Seconded by John Pfeifle. Motion carried 3-0.

Discussion regarding Co-Op:

John Pfeifle reiterated that the town has two more years with the Concord Co-Op. but opted to not sign up for nine more years.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to forward a letter to Jim Presher, Co-Op Director outlining Bradford’s position with concerns and questions as to terms and conditions and how they are going to proceed and what the cost will be. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Harry Wright, Chair advised someone had tried to leave a TV at the Transfer Station and willing to pay the $25.00, but was told they do not take them anymore. They can be left at George Naughton’s for $10.00. Question is, should we change our policy to do this at this time? The Selectmen do set the policy.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to make a change in policy at the Transfer Station, and TV’s can be taken to George Naughton’s or Best Buy in Concord, as we no longer accept them. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

John Pfeifle requested Cheryl Behr to check out when the Town of Newbury Selectmen meet and see if the Bradford Selectmen could meet with them.

Pending Issues:

Employee job descriptions and wage/salary step scale requested by Cheryl Behr prior to the budget Committee meeting.

Also Contents of bid packages looked at and discussed

Display ad contents were gone over stating where the auction will be held.

Conservation Commission:

Ann Eldridge read a letter to Appoint Scott MacLean as an Alternate to the Conservation Commission.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to appoint Scott MacLean as Alternate to the Conservation Commission. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Other topics brought up by Ann were the Natural Resources Inventory and Auto Craft, which is actually in a Rural Residential Area, and is being looked at by the Code Enforcement officer.

Cheryl Behr advised she had received communication from Chet Mitchell, Solitude Ridge regarding logging trucks which she has forwarded to Jim Valiquet, Police Chief.

George Cilley mentioned the standing water on Brown Shattuck Field and would appreciate trucks staying off from that area.

Motion was made to approve the minutes of June 24, 2013 as presented by John Pfeifle. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion to approve the minutes of June 26, 2013 as presented made by John Pfeifle.Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made and seconded to go into Non Public session per RSA 91-A:3IIe at 6:53pm:

Sonny Harris, Yes John Pfeifle, Yes Harry Wright, Chair, Yes

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
