Selectmen’s Minutes 01.13.15

Board of Selectmen Minutes

January 12, 2015


Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Harry Wright, Selectman


  1. Fritz Von Behren- Bradford Fish and Game. A property was purchased by a third party with the agreement that BF&G would buy back. Upon purchase the property came out of current use thus accruing a penalty. Bradford Fish & Game requests the Current Use Penalty assessed on the property be waived. Motion made to waive the penalty fee. Motion passed 3-0.

Regular Business

  1. Map 5 Lot 114 W Meadow Rd- Intent to Cut Form signed by Selectmen.
  2. Town Administrator read to record the letter of response to Ms. Bouley.
  3. Letter received requesting removal of contents of downstairs rooms at the Town Hall in order to do a structural analysis. It was agreed that contents should be sorted and subsequently sent to Transfer Station and a storage facility. Motion was made to destroy all tapes over 24 months old. Motion approved 3-0.
  4. Town Administrator advised the change of special revenue for Transfer Station from $15,000 to $25,000 should be included as a Warrant Article.
  5. Rainy day fund to be included as a separate line item at $20,000.
  6. Selectmen continued the warrant article review. Discussed long term lease options, ambulance billing, Ambulance Capital Reserve, Bradford Tall Pines, THRC bonds and removal of hazardous waste at Town Hall. Solar lease option will be revisited with more research. The change of Forest St from seasonal class V to regular class V was debated. Agreed to discuss with Road Agent and vote next meeting. John Pfeifle agreed to speak with Code Enforcement Officer regarding zoning violation on Center Rd.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest reviewed and signed.

Minutes of January 5, 2015 meeting were reviewed and accepted as presented.

Public Session ended at 6:35pm.

Meeting entered into Nonpublic Session per RSA 91A:3II (a) regarding personnel issues.

Meeting adjourned at 6:55pm.