Selectmen’s Minutes 02.03.15- Amended 02.05.15

Board of Selectmen Minutes

February 3, 2015


Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Harry Wright, Selectman

Regular Business

  1. Call to Vote for election signed by Selectmen
  2. Appointment of Sandra Paul as Supervisor of the Checklist signed by Selectmen
  3. Letter signed authorizing Treasurer to transfer $100,000 from Savings Acct to Operating Acct
  4. Easements for Breezy Hill Rd Bridge complete awaiting signatures
  5. Remaining Warrant Articles voted on. Discussed language and cost for articles pertaining to Town Hall renovations.
    • Article 7 – To appropriate $150,000 for full Town Hall Foundation – Vote 2-1
    • Article 17- To appropriate $30,000 to purchase a sand screen- Vote 2-1
    • All other warrant articles received a 3-0 vote by the Selectmen
  6. Warrant Article added to dissolve Ambulance Billing & Capital Reserve Funds.
  7. Abatement and Exemptions signed by Selectmen
  8. Selectmen will speak with Road Agent about plowing Rte 103 Tall Pines Rest Area

Pending Issues

  1. Autocraft- forwarded to town attorney for action
  2. Failed septic system on Route 114
  3. Shed unlawfully built on Center Rd
  4. Questionable effluent N side of Old Warner Rd

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest reviewed and signed.

Minutes of January 26, 2015 meeting were reviewed and accepted with edits:

Add Pending Issue “4. Questionable effluent N side of Old Warner Rd”


Meeting ended at 6:45pm.

Original minutes amended February 5, 2015