Selectmen’s Minutes 06.01.15

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

June 1, 2015

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Harry Wright, Selectman


  1. Resident Roger Bilodeau was present regarding taxes overpaid to Town of Bradford due to incorrect assessment. Board will speak with assessor and review the RSAs to see what is legally allowed in this situation. Town Administrator will look into abatements.

Regular Business

  1. Motion made to accept Safe Routes to School report. Vote passed 3-0.
  2. CIP Compliance letter to Town Dept heads reviewed.
  3. In accordance with RSA674:40 I (a) motion made to postpone bidding the Breezy Hill (Wheeler) Bridge off of Rt 103 until November. Vote passed 3-0. Sonny Harris will research road layout. Town Administrator will make sure Wetlands permit doesn’t expire.
  4. July 4th parade permit signed.
  5. Check for deposit into the Bradford Independence Day Celebration Trust Fund accepted by the Selectmen and will be handed over to the Trustees.
  6. Previously approved town credit card will be signed for this week.
  7. Check received for Town Hall Restoration project accepted by the Selectmen.
  8. Letter received from the Rural Heritage Connection of Bradford (RHC) stating that the RHC will fund a permanent ADA handicapped-accessible entrance for Bradford Town Hall. The Board thanks RHC for their assistance and their care of the future town hall project.
  9. Intent to Cut for Map13-22 signed by Selectmen.
  10. Historical Society requested mowing of the historic district. Board will get quotes from the landscapers who currently maintain town owned property.
  11. It was brought to the attention of the board that there is a Barn on Forest St that is falling into the road. Town Administrator will draft a letter to the Bldg Inspector requesting that he look at the building to examine the barn’s structural stability.
  12. Chair advised he would like to put together a group to research the oldest homes in town and the original old road layout.
  13. Town office received a call about an abandoned vehicle at Pearl Town Forest on Butman Rd. Town Administrator called the Chief of Police who will investigate further.

Pending Issues

  1. Septic System Issue on Greenhouse Ln- Board is waiting to hear from Health Inspector. Board needs to know what the town’s options are in order to answer the complaint.
  2. Unpermitted shed on Center Rd- structure is in violation of deed contingencies. Town Administrator will compose letter and send to Selectmen for review.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest reviewed and signed.

Minutes of May 18, 2015 meeting were reviewed and accepted with no edits.

Public Session adjourned at 6:13pm. Meeting entered into Nonpublic Session to discuss personnel issues per RSA 91A:3II (a)