Selectmen’s Minutes 08.24.15

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

August 24, 2015


Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Harry Wright, Selectman


  1. Selectmen signed a tax map correction for a property on Lake Massasecum presented by Perry Teele.
  2. Building Inspector and owners of Map 2-104-1 were in attendance to discuss large shed built on Center Rd. Selectmen advised that the property deed clearly states no further buildings on property. Motion made that the owners may leave the building on said property until 12/1/15 during which time they may make an appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The Selectmen expressed no opinion on what happens at an appeal. Voted 3-0.

Regular Business

  1. The Fairgrounds Rd culvert, previously blocked by beavers, has been cleared by the Road Agent.
  2. Current use penalty for Map 5-23 signed by Selectmen.
  3. Railing for the Kearsarge Area Preschool is missing. Town Administrator will contact someone to fix it.
  4. Estimates received for paving the fire station (12k) and church lot (17k). No action taken.
  5. At Town Attorney’s advice a petition for layout of Breezy Hill Rd was read to record. A Public Hearing for road layout will be held Monday, September 28, 2015. Petition will be signed by Selectmen after meeting.
  6. Steve Liakos of DOT will be in town Wednesday 8/26/15 to inspect Pond Bridge and establish a rating. Will also assess which bridge project can be started next.
  7. Biweekly meetings will continue through October. Beginning November 2, 2015 meetings will meet weekly again. September and October schedule as follows:

September 14, 2015, September 28, 2015, October 12, 2015 and October 26, 2015

  1. Selectmen are encouraging Joint Board of Selectmen meetings to begin again.
  2. MS-1 (town inventory) and MS-4 (revised estimated revenues) signed by Selectmen.
  3. Selectmen accepted 3 donations totaling $350 for the THR Trust Fund.
  4. Chair proposed a renewal of the Road Committee that can be tasked with the responsibility of a Forest St improvement study. Seeking town residents interested in joining the Road Committee.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest reviewed and signed.

Minutes of August 10, 2015 meeting were reviewed and accepted with no edits.

Motion to adjourn public session at 6:25pm, voted 3-0.

Meeting moved into Non-public session per RSA 91A:3IIa