Selectmen’s Minutes 11.21.16

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

November 21, 2016

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Jim Bibbo, Selectman

Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator was in attendance. Absent: Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer


Cherry Palmisano- Henniker Perambulation: A group of people from Henniker and Bradford walked the Bradford/Henniker boundary. The perambulation documents were signed and the Board was given a copy. Discussion followed about better marking the key points. Perry Teele will look in to markers.

Regular Business

  1. Auto Craft Update: The Bradford Police Chief visited the property and inventoried vehicles etc. The Chief feels like there has been some progress made on the property albeit slow. He noticed a towing truck along with 2 dumpsters indicating that there will likely be more vehicles removed soon. The Chief suggested the Board invite Mr. Wilcox to the next Selectmen’s meeting to provide the Board a status report as well as a time table for removal of the rest of the materials. The Board strongly supported this suggestion and Karen will draft a letter.
  2. Town Hall Update: The basement is coming along. Once the sheetrock is up it will need to be mudded and fireproof caulking applied to cracks.
  3. Special Invoice from Kelly Gale: Harry Wright sent an email stating that he feels that Kelly’s invoice from June and July of 2015 (that wasn’t billed until 2016) should be part of the cost of the plans and design of the Town Hall. He recommended that the invoice be paid out of the Town Hall Restoration and Renovation Trust Fund. Board motioned that the invoice be paid from the Town Hall Trust Fund, vote 3-0.
  4. Health Insurance: The Town’s current health insurance plan is being discontinued as of December 31st. The Board reviewed the new health insurance options recommended by HealthTrust. The Board would like to keep it as similar to last year’s plan as possible. The cost of health insurance has increased 5.3% for 2017 (regardless of the plan chosen). Motion to choose the recommended plan (Plan AB15IPDED) and to increase the employee-paid portion from 9% to 10%.
  5. Future Budgets: Karen will have budgets to share with the Board next week. The Board also expressed that they would like to have joint meetings with the Budget Committee when the department heads present their budgets so that everyone is hearing the same information and benefits from the questions asked.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest reviewed and signed.

Minutes of November 14, 2016 meeting were reviewed and accepted with no change.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday, November 28, 2016 at the Bradford Community Center.

Meeting adjourned at 6:09 pm to Non Public per RSA 91:A3IIa

Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins