Selectmen’s Minutes 12.14.15

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

December 14, 2015

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Harry Wright, Selectman

Selectmen Harry Wright and John Pfeifle attended a service Friday morning in Concord where Bradford Police Officer Ed Shaughnessy was awarded the D.A.R.E. Officer of the Year Award for outstanding work in the D.A.R.E. community.


  1. Resident Chet Mitchell present to further discuss beaver dam problem on Fairgrounds Rd. Selectmen advised a new position has been created to address the ongoing beaver issue in town maintained culverts. Mr. Mitchell requested the board ask the Road Agent why he put a telephone pole atop the dam made by the Hwy Dept on Fairgrounds Rd.

Regular Business

  1. Letter received from NHDOT allowing the town to replace Pond Bridge with Water St Bridge as the bridge that qualifies for the Municipal Bridge Program.
  2. Town Administrator advised that Perry Teele stopped by to ask about the perambulation of boundaries. Perambulation is supposed to be done every 7 years, per RSA 51:2, and has not been done in over 7 years.
  3. Town received bill from Town Hall Architect. Costs discussed by the public and board.
  4. Letter to the Trustees for release of funds signed by Selectmen
  5. Motion made to accept a donation for $25 to the Town Hall. Voted 3-0.
  6. Quote received to replace BACC roof for $12,500. Town Administrator pointed out that there is $8,500 left from 2015 warrant article for repairs to BACC building. Advised that the remaining overage can be covered by unused funds in Police Dept’s 2015 budget. Motion made to use unallocated PD funds to cover remaining roof cost of $4,000. Voted 3-0.
  7. Current town plowing of Craig Rd discussed. Administrator will write a letter to Edith about continuing winter maintenance of the road.
  8. Selectmen signed letter to Trustees of Trust Funds to accept Capital Reserve deposits.
  9. Lease agreement for Highway Dept truck received. Administrator will read before Selectmen sign.
  10. RFP for Cemetery landscape work will be posted on the website, around town and in The Bradford Bridge. It will also be sent to current landscaper and FVB Landscaping.
  11. Town Administrator sent copies of annual audit to Selectmen via email.
  12. Town employees have expressed unhappiness with the newly changed 8hr increment requirement for Holiday/Vacation time. Motion made to change policy & employee manual from 8hr increments to 4hr increments for Holiday and Vacation Time. Voted 3-0.
  13. Personnel action form for Ed Miller signed by Selectmen. If people have a beaver problem they would like to discuss they should contact the Town Office directly.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest reviewed and signed.

Minutes of December 7, 2015 meeting were reviewed and accepted with no change.

Public session adjourned at 6:30pm. Motion made to move into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3IIc, voted 3-0.