THRC Minutes 01.30.12


JANUARY 30, 2012


Call to Order and Roll Call:

Eileen Kelly, Chair called the meeting to order with Michele Halsted, John Greenwood, Dick Keller, Marcia Keller, Audrey Sylvester, Sandy Wright, George Cilley, Caryl Walker, Beth Rodd, Phyllis Wilcox and Marge Cilley, secretary present.

Eileen Kelly, Chair introduced Richard Monahon, Jr., Architect, Peterborough, NH.

Review and Consideration of January 25, 2012 minutes:

Motion was made by Audrey Sylvester to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by George Cilley. Motion carried 9-0. (Beth Rodd and Phyllis Wilcox had not arrived at this time).

Richard Monahon, Jr. AIA NCARB, Architect from Peterborough, N.H.

Eileen Kelly, Chair had talked with Mr. Monahon briefly last week to discuss what the committee is trying to accomplish, and hope to enlist his help to that end. This would be by putting a proposal together on the Town Hall building, which he knew very little about until some members of this committee attended the N H Preservation Alliance Town Hall Mentoring Retreat last week. Rick did state that those members that attended made an eloquent presentation.

Mr. Monahon handed out some sheets with a list of proposed steps to accomplish what the committee is hoping to do in phases. (List at end of minutes). Cheryl Behr, Administrator had provided material that has been gathered over the last several months and this was given to Mr. Monahon for his perusal.

Rick stated he is able, and very willing to talk with different gatherings.

The proposal that Mr. Monahon would be making would get the desired accomplishment in motion with architectural engineering through the design phase of the project, with planned elevation, schedules of finishes, choices of materials, system design recommendations, fire suppression, which would be done for an agreed upon and fully budgeted renovation of the building. Also a strategy for advocating in which in all probability would be a phased project. Phased projects are ultimately a slightly higher cost was noted.

Rick Monahon suggested that since the town hall is not being used, there is sort of a negative cash flow in having the town offices in another building. If the building could be ready to be used and back into it in phase one, and into the second floor in phase two, some of the deferred maintenance issues could be taken care of in phase three, which could include sash, trim, roofing, mechanical, electrical, the latter being high priority.

Rick Monahon stated a fee of $13,000.00 would be presented for the work to be done by him which would include all reimbursable fees for printing, postage and mileage.

Rick advised their work is always in compliance with the Secretary of Interior’s Standards of Historic Preservation.

A square footage cost estimate is needed for the building and ultimately establish a budget for a bond issue, for whatever is selected for the smartest strategy for selling the first stage of the project. Mr. Monahon suggested that after a series of meetings, he would bring a new look at what the committee has been discussing for some time. Primarily being looked at include cost savings, cost benefits, which are not always immediate cost savings, but could be a better performing building which saves the town over time. Rick reiterated many of the options the committee has been considering. He suggested that he would be at a series of meetings, (5 or 6 times in three or four months) with the committee. He would create, with the committee’s final approval, the picture and the phasing approach the committee likes best with a set of drawings which would be presentable in color to put on boards or easel as well as a power point.

Detailed code analysis is an important part of the project and Rick Monahon’s company takes care of this as well, to read the code in detail, be able to read the chapter and verse of every piece of what it is that puts you ultimately in compliance. Some codes are phasable.

Questions and answer period followed. These included the water and sewer, parking at the town hall site.

Rick Monahon will come to the town hall on Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 8:00am to be able to view the structural condition of the building. Rick advised he has just finished putting a foundation under three buildings in the southern, western core of the state. He has worked on the Newbury Meeting House, Peterborough Town Hall, Washington Town Hall, Hillsboro Town Hall as well as many other municipal buildings. Rick advised he looks at what is the best value of the building for the towns. Rick requested the names of the committee members be e-mailed to him. He left at 8:45pm. after giving the committee much to consider.

Fund Raising:

Fund raising and ways to do it were discussed, as well as method of gathering signatures for Grant Applications. Names of committees should be forwarded to Michele Halsted.

Warrant Article:

A Warrant Article was discussed at length as to how to word it for presentation to the Selectmen for tomorrow evening’s meeting. Michele Halsted will write this for presentation and e-mail it to the committee tomorrow. The committee will also meet with the Budget committee on Thursday, February 2, 2012.

Next meeting is scheduled for: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6TH AT 7:00PM

Adjourned 9:30pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary