THRC Minutes 02.21.13



February 21. 2013


Call to Order and Roll Call:

Eileen Kelly, Chair, opened the meeting at 7:09pm with Beth Rodd, George Cilley, Beth Downes, Sandy Wright, Michele Halsted, David Halsted, Audrey Sylvester, Kathy McKenna, Anne Eldridge, Caryl Walker, Marcia Keller, Dick Keller present. John Greenwood was absent.

The sheet to check off names of residents talked with or to be talked with was passed around by Beth Rodd.

Review and Consideration of February 7, 2013 minutes:

Motion was made by Marcia Keller to approve the February 7, 2013 minutes as presented. Seconded by Audrey Sylvester.

Discussion ensued regarding the “Punch List” that was discussed by Jim Bruss, Bruss Construction, and all the members received a copy of at that meeting.

Motion carried 13-0.

Bond Rate:

Eileen Kelly, Chair handed out sheets containing the Bond Rate showing the Tax Effect per different assessed valuation of homes. Also Warrant Article Four – 2013 was handed out including the statement the Selectmen recommend and the Budget Committee recommends. DRA (Department of Revenue Administration) advised the impact of the Bond for ($1,767,000.00) would not impact until 2014, and with the interest rate if 2.25% would require $.63 per thousand on the tax bill.

Dave Drasba, Monahon Architects will be bringing in new, updated plans and give a power point presentation at the Forum.

Presentation of Plans for the Forum, February 23, 2013:

Eileen Kelly, Chair handed out the Agenda for the Town Forum to he held on Saturday, February 23, 2013 from 10:00 to 12:00 noon at the BradfordElementary School.

It was suggested that the committee be prepared to discuss the different methods and possibilities of receiving monies through Grants, donations or other methods to help offset the Bond. This could possibly be brought up at the Forum.

Refreshments will be provided by several of the members at the Forum.

There will be an opportunity to visit the Town Hall for those who have never been in there after the Forum. A show of hands will determine if this will be done.

Michele Halsted handed out half page brochures showing a picture of the Town Hall with bullets showing highlights to restoring the BradfordTown Hall. These will be handed out by the Neighborhood Captains.

Other topics of conversation were the babysitting at Town Meeting.

Campaign signs.

Transportation to Town Meeting.

Michele Halsted reiterated that in order to apply for Grants, the town has to first show they are for the project by voting on it favorably at Town Meeting. After we get the bond, there will be an extremely energetic campaign to secure funds. Stating that we will be getting large sums of money would be unrealistic. There will be a strong committee outreach as soon as the bond has been approved at town meeting.

Michele Halsted also advised they had gone to check with LCHIP to see what Bradford could do to increase their chances of receiving Grants. The last LCHIP Grant had 40 applications for historical buildings. They did have positive energy for the THRC and RHC. Some of the input was questions regarding the budget and intentions for the use of the money had we received it. We were not precise enough. They did state they will help in the future with applications.

Suggestions were to contact Senator Bob O’Dell regarding putting money back into LCHIP.

An “Ad” for the Kearsarge Shopper, Intertown and Bradford Bridge were discussed and will be worked on immediately.

There being no other business to come before the committee, the meeting adjourned at 8:47pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
