THRC Minutes 05.05.12





Call to Order and Roll Call:

Eileen Kelly, Chair called the meeting to order at 10:00am. with Marcia Keller, Dick Keller, John Greenwood, Harry Wright, Selectman, Sandy Wright, Beth Rodd, Caryl Walker, Jim Bruss present. Michele Halsted, George Cilley and Marge Cilley, Secretary were absent.

Guests were: Mr.Carl Rubchinuk, Unity Rigging and Bob Lincoln.

Eileen Kelly, Chair advised she had submitted the Application for the Better Buildings Grant, which she stated was quite difficult. Eileen will follow through to see if she needed to do something further.

Rick Monahon, AIA Architects:

Eileen Kelly, Chair welcomed Rick Monahon who stated it is a pleasure to be here.

Mr. Monahon stated he thought the contract was a relatively simple issue in that he submitted a draft version of it. At this time, no one had been in touch with Mr. Monahon. Harry Wright, Selectmen advised they had passed the contract by council who had a question or two, quite minor, having to do with arbitration. Mr. Monahon advised when doing a study like this, the contract is really saying about what the scope of the work is.

This is a first stage of the contract study, and they will move right along on the project.

Mr. Monahon advised the biggest goal in getting started is establishing some expectations from the committee and for him to fulfill those expectations. Wendall Phillips called Mr. Monahon and they had a lengthy discussion and Mr. Phillip also very graciously e-mailed all the architectural plans to Rick Monahon, which gives him a lot of material he did not have before and allows him to work.

Another important goal is to establish what we will all eventually agree upon as the program of accomplishments with the building. The RFP was the first list and his way of doing is to interview several of the primary users and would like permission to contact the police chief, sit with him and get a feel for the program for that department. The same applies with all the town offices. In reply to a question from Eileen Kelly, Chair, Rick Monahon stated after talking with the Police Chief, then they go to the Police Standards. Desire is to establish a building program which is the list and size of rooms as well as the functions that take place. (A space use program) This can then be superimposed on the existing footprint of the building and see if it fits.

A building assessment needs doing, and a carpenter will need to spend a couple of hours in the crawl spaces of the building with my camera, tape measure and knife with some note taking. Mr. Monahon advised he will supervise this procedure. This will make the decision whether the building needs to be lifted up, repair and replace a significant portion of the foundation, or can the work be done without lifting it up!

This will be one of the first steps in the project. Mr. Monahon advised he will report back to the committee on this as well as the interview process at his next meeting with the committee. All meetings will be public meetings. A two week window is hopeful to accomplish the above. Meeting number two will be scheduled sometime after June 4, and a tentative date is set for June 14th at 7:00pm.

Narratives of members present were presented. To re- establish the use of the second floor was brought up. To get the town offices back into the building as soon as possible.

Discussion followed. Rick Monahon advised he had a chance to go above the stage and discovered that it was designed in a much more theatrically sophisticated way. A really cool stage!

Another need is to have a surveyor do some accurate grades around the back side of the town hall per Mr. Monahon. Eileen Kelly, Chair requested if Mr. Monahon could site where the sewer system should be. Mr. Monahon and Jim Bruss will discuss this further. Also, the well was brought up, and Marge Cilley had talked with Bruce Edwards, Emergency Management Director, who had talked with the New Hampshire Public Health Laboratories and they advised the last testing of the Bradford Town Hall water was done in 2006, and nothing was wrong with it. (The secretary has the testing kits available for the THRC to have it re-tested if permitted to do so.)

Cost per square foot will help make a decision as to what departments would be recommended to go where, and Mr. Monahon will be doing detailed analysis to help with these informed decisions.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator will be a contact person regarding alerting town employees that Mr. Monahon will be setting up contacts with them.

Mr. Carl Rubchinuk advised he would like to dig down to see where the base of the granite ledge is, to see what is there which would give a good idea if you could cut straight to the bottom, to see if it could give the required space that is needed.

The committee thanked Mr. Rick Monahon for coming today.

Harry Wright, Selectmen commented on the water and yes, it was potable at the last testing in 2006, there is a question of flow and there is a serious question if the flow is because of a lower capacity or an old pump that is not working too well. Mr. Monahon advised flow is an issue, but not a big issue, as if it is a low performing well, pressurized storage tanks could be used.

The Selectmen will actually sign the contract on Tuesday, May 8, 2012.

Jim Bruss stated: Interesting to consider, there are three cornerstones located relatively close together, the library, Church and town hall. The close proximity could produce significant financial benefits.

Discussion ensued regarding what to do about the July 4th celebration, and the Art Show was brought up to be held at the town hall upstairs again.

A tentative meeting date will be for Thursday, May 17, 2012 at 7:00pm to discuss town events to be held July 7th.

There being no other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted from tape.

Marjorie R. Cilley
