THRC Minutes 06.13.13



JUNE 13, 2013


The following attended the 6:30pm walk through the Town Hall and attended the meeting following: Eileen Kelly, Chair, Marcia Keller, Dick Keller, Walter Royal, Building Inspector, Jim Bruss, Bruss Construction, Mel Pfeifle, John Pfeifle, Selectmen Representative, Susan Reynolds, Sandra Wright, Jim Bibbo, Tom Dunn, Nikki Dubaere, Scott MacLean, Audrey Sylvester and Marge Cilley Secretary.

Review and Consideration of the May 23, 2013 minutes:

Motion was made by Marcia Keller to approve the minutes, seconded by Mel Pfeifle.

Page two under Fund Raising, 7 lines up from that topic, Consensus has been- should read Public perception has been that the THRC has not raised any money etc. Motion carried unanimously with edit.

Walter Royal – Status of Town Hall:

Walter Royal suggested forcing old air out through duct work with new air continuously for a week or more followed by continuing on a timer.

Tom Dunn would clean up the upstairs and seal off to prohibit going into restricted areas, the sides of the stage, however the actual stage would be left open. He would bring in a vacuum cleaner to clean up the floor from any dust, and a hygienist will be brought in. Tom stated this would cost $1,200.00 just for the labor. Eileen Kelly will ask the Selectmen for funding to take care of this project. Mel Pfeifle, Tom Dunn and Walter Royal will work on preparing the Town Hall for the 4th of July celebration. Tom advised he could start immediately upon receiving the ok to move ahead after financing has been established. This is in preparation to hopefully continue the annual Art Show upstairs in the Town Hall.


John Pfeifle, Selectman read a letter from the Rural Heritage Connection of Bradford, Inc. regarding their continued interest in restoring Bradford’s Town Hall and the continuation of assisting with the tax deductible donations. They also recommended that the Board of Selectmen establish a separate account for the THRC to handle finances from non tax deductible donations. (Letter on file)

Mel Pfeifle reiterated that the 501C3 is not to be taken lightly from previous experience.

Consensus of the committee is to continue to go through the Rural Heritage Connection through the Cornerstone Account for the tax deductible portion of accounting.

Suggestion was made that an accounting of the Cornerstone account be made available to the Selectmen on a monthly basis.

It was noted that a non-resident donated a check to the Rural Heritage-Cornerstone Account for the Town Hall Restoration project. In reply to a question, yes, thank you notes do go out to anyone who has made a donation.

Jim Bruss, Consultant – Plans going forward:

Jim Bruss, Bruss Construction stated there will be a conference call next week between Dave Drasba, Monahon Architects, Ken Holmes and Joe Campbell, North Branch Construction with the sub committee.

Fourth of July Celebration Activities:

Mel Pfeifle commented on the Fire Department not passing the “boot” at the Fire Works on the 4th of July celebration and it has been suggested that the THRC take on this activity. Mel will talk with Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief.

A Silent Auction is being worked on by Mel Pfeifle to be held under a 20 x 40 foot tent provided by the Pfeifle’s in front of the town hall. They are looking for volunteers to take a two hour shift. For any donations, which will be appreciated, please contact Mel Pfeifle.

There will also be a Flea Market table at the Blacksmith Shoppe for that day. Any donations may be dropped off at the Cilley’s.

Tom Dunn will be providing pizza at the town hall location from 11:30am to 4:00pm. during the 4th of July celebration.

Any Other Business:

The Secretary suggested that since the Town Hall Restoration is a Town Committee that it would be better if the Agenda’s could be posted in the three areas in town, where all other Department Agenda’s get posted, a couple of days prior to the meeting. This would not only help the committee, but better communication for the public. It was suggested by Scott MacLean that if something came in too late to go on the Agenda, it could be handled under Other Business.

Consensus of the members is that this should be done.

Next meeting is scheduled for: THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2013 AT 7:00PM

Meeting Adjourned 8:47pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
