THRC Minutes 09.13.12

TOWN OF Bradford
Town Hall Restoration Committee
P O Box 436
Bradford, N.H. 03221
September 13, 2012

Marcia and Dick Keller brought in a delicious cake and Caryl Walker furnished drinks in celebration of making the deadline with the necessary funds to apply for the LCHIP Grant. A big THANKS to all.

Call To Order and Roll Call:

Eileen Kelly called the meeting to order with George Cilley, Dick Keller, Marcia Keller, Caryl Walker, Sandy Wright, Beth Rodd, Audrey Sylvester, John Greenwood and Marge Cilley Secretary present. Also attending the meeting was Sandy Paul. Michele Halsted was absent.

Review and Consideration of the August 27, 2012 minutes.

Motion was made, seconded and carried unanimously to approve the August 27, 2012 minutes as presented.

LCHIP Grant:

Michele and David Halsted were thanked for keeping track of the LCHIP Grant efforts.

The total pledges came to $19,605.00 at deadline time. After the deadline for the LCHIP Grant application time, $1,200.00 came in, in pledges with a total of $21,575.00. There was a donation of printing of $1,351.39 for software for the Grant Application, Seven to Save and software so the LCHIP Application could be filled out. Cornerstone Account has accrued money from the Henry Backdrop Account, Raffle money from last summer through today for current Raffle and cash donations for a total of $770.00. This makes the total on hand in the Rural Heritage Account $28,605.74. The amount on the LCHIP application was $26,498.00 as some of the funds came in after the Grant was applied for.

The time line for the LCHIP Grant is:

July 9, 2012                             Grant Round opens.

July 18, 2012                           Grant Writing Workshops

Sept. 7, 2012                           Application Due

Oct 2 & 4, 2012                      Review Panels

Oct 8 -31, 2012                       Staff Site Visits

Nov. 19, 2012                         Board Decision-making

Nov. 20-21, 2012                    Inform applicants of decisions

Discussion of Phase I and Phase II:

Discussion ensued at length regarding Phase I and Phase II. Audrey Sylvester’s concern is to get back in the building and make the second floor functional so it too can be used.

Question is how can we get some of the second Phase into the first Phase and not go over the top? Dick Keller pointed out that there are a lot of items in the first phase that are necessary in the second phase. If both Phases are considered at the same time financially, several thousand dollars could be saved in duplication of work.

Method of financing was also discussed at length, whether to Bond, Line of Credit, Straight Loan. Contacts will be made to several banks and a financial meeting of the board will be held on Oct. 4, 2012.

Eileen Kelly will write a letter, from the THRC to be read and presented to the Selectmen, asking for their feedback regarding the Police Department, the Heating system, Air Conditioning with ballpark figures for their September 17th regular scheduled meeting.

The CIP met on September 12, 2012 and is waiting for some input from the THRC.

Other topics discussed were a liaison with the Bradford Historical Committee to keep them informed with the progress of the THR project.

A Campaign for the Town Hall and Building Community Support was discussed with possibility of holding some informational sessions for the community’s information and input.

It was noted that October 16th is the Seven To Save event to be held in Manchester.

The Raffle will be drawn at the Meeting House event with Steve Taylor’s talk on One Room Schoolhouses, on Thursday, September 27, 2012, on the 225th Anniversary of Bradford’s Incorporation.

The following are dates for upcoming meetings:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012 at 7:00pm  Thursday, October 4, 2012 at 7:00pm

Thursday, October 11, 2012 at 7:00pm Thursday, October 25, 2011 at 7:00pm

Discussion ensued regarding a card for Ruth Ann Harris and Caryl Walker is working on this.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:00pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
