THRC Minutes 10.11.12

OCTOBER 11, 2012

Call to Order and Roll Call:

John Greenwood, Acting Chair called the meeting to order with George Cilley, Dick Keller, Marcia Keller, Sandy Wright, Caryl Walker, Beth Rodd, and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Eileen Kelly and Michele Halsted were absent.

Review and Consideration of the October 4, 2012 Minutes:

Motion was made by Dick Keller to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Marcia Keller. Motion carried Unanimously.

Report from tour of Peterborough Town Hall’s wood –pellet furnace system with Rick Monahon and Jim Van Valkenburgh from Froling Engineering:

Eileen Kelly, Beth Rodd, Dick and Marcia Keller, George and Marge Cilley, Caryl Walker and Alex Spiliotis, Harry Wright, David and Michele Halsted attended a tour of the Peterborough Town Hall Wood Pellet Boiler System. Rick Monahon, Architect and Jim Van Valkenburgh, VP of Sales & Marketing for Froling gave a very informative tour of Peterborough’s Wood Pellet system. Everyone was amazed at the cleanliness of the system. Their new pellet boilers have been providing most all of their space heating needs from December 1, 2011 for a stated savings to the town of $17,200 per year. It was also stated that a return on their investment will be eight years. Their furnace features very little cleaning with an automatic ash removal, automatic feed, and can be zoned. There is a provider of pellets in Jaffrey, and pre-buys are accepted.

Town Hall Financing Options Draft:

Marcia Keller handed out a draft of two different banks prospective financing for the first phase and for both phases, from a 15 year plan and 20 year plan with an annual pay back amount as well as the total costs, with various interest rates at the present time. Marcia reported that Bliss Dayton did analyze the figures for her for Lake Sunapee Bank, with the suggestion that consideration be for 15 years for the lesser amount, keeping the interest rate as low as possible with the pay back being as low as possible.

Preparation for upcoming Town Forum, November 10, 2012:

Phase I and Phase II will be discussed with what would be in each phase and the cost of each one at the first forum.

A copy of the flyer for the Bridge was brought in with much discussion regarding how to get it printed as inexpensively as possible. 800 will be needed for the paper and another 400 copies for hand-outs at strategic places. The Kellers, Beth Rodd and John Greenwood are all checking on printing possibilities.

Newbury Fund Raisers:

Beth Rodd had talked with Doug and Gloria Wayland from Newbury who did some Fund Raising and have offered to come to talk with the Town Hall Restoration Committee for some ideas. Will try to set up a date of Thursday, October 25th at 2:00pm.

Marcia Keller presented a Memo including:

Other topics of discussion included possible sub-committee groups.

What has been accomplished.

Expand committies – fund raising – possible names to be added.

Publicity/Fund Raisings.

Revolving Loan.

Meeting adjourned 8:45pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley,
