Timber Cutting Ordinance



The purpose of this ordinance is to establish uniform submission of material by owners, loggers or harvesters of forest products when filing a “Notice of Intent to Cut”.


All lands devoted to forest growth owned or administered by-private person(s), corporations), or organization(s) or by any federal, state, county, municipal or other public agency.


1. Pursuant to RSA 79:10 a “Notice of Intent to Cut” signed by the Owner shall be filed with the Town of Bradford prior to the operation commencing. No Intent to Cut form application shall be accepted without maps.

2. A separate “Notice of Intent to Cut” shall be filed for each parcel intended to be cut unless the individual(s) shall own contiguous parcels to be cut at the same time.

a. EXCEPTION: a separate “Notice of Intent to Cut” shall be filed by the individual(s) who may own contiguous lands separated by a street, road or river. In no event shall the Selectmen approve a “Notice of Intent to Cut” which would combine lands separated by a street, road or river under one (1) Notice.

3. The owner shall submit a tax map showing the areas to be cut and shall designate wetland(s), landing area(s) and road(s) to be used during the logging operation. Individuals shall so shade the property as to provide the Selectmen an overview of the items so noted above. Said map shall remain a part of the record on file with the Notice.

4. Starting an operation before the “Notice of Intent to Cut” has been filed with the Town and signed by the Board of Selectmen shall constitute a violation of state law by the owner or any other person performing the cutting, or both. Failure to post the certificate on the job in a conspicuous place upon receipt from the Commissioner of Revenue Administration shall constitute a separate violation of state law.

5. In the event a cutting operation shall take place on a Class VI road the individual (s) shall be required to file a “Permission to Haul Over a Class VI Roads” permit which shall be reviewed by the Road Agent and approved by the Board of Selectmen. The Board of Selectmen, upon recommendation by the Road Agent, will require the posting of a bond, on all town roads, by the individual(s) prior to the commencement of any hauling. Any operation hauling over any roads without first having secured permission from the Board of Selectmen shall be in violation of the Limited Weight Ordinance and subject to the penalty established therein. Said permit shall remain a part of the record on file with the Notice. In the event no visible access to the property has been established the Town shall require a Driveway Permit to be submitted.


Failure to provide the material required by this ordinance shall result in a fine not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).


David Pickman, Chairman

Marcia Keller

John G. Signorino

FirstReading: 08-15-94

SecondReading: 09-12-94

Adopted: 09-12-94

Amended: 07-24-95

Rec’d & Recorded 09-16-94, Susan Pehrson, Town Clerk