Town Hall Restoration Oversight Committee minutes 12.10.15

Town Hall Restoration Committee

Minutes – December 10th, 2015

In attendance: Michele and David Halsted, Claire and Michael James, Jim Bibbo, Brackett Scheffy, Everett Kittredge, Marcia Keller, Karen Hambleton, John Greenwood, Beth Downs, Cheryl Behr

Michele Halsted updated the committee on the fund raising progress. Twenty five businesses have been contacted with commitments of $6,000 recorded for the first week of their efforts.  Michele reported that the town’s median income was over the amount to qualify for a USDA grant.

Michele also expressed the chief goal of the project was restoration of the Town Hall and to rehab, protect and maintain the historic features of the Town Hall.

On Sept 20, 2015 LCHIP approved the restoration plan submitted by the town. A benefit concert is planned for January 2016.

Marcia Keller reported the RFP for the basement was sent out to a select group of contractors with a return date of 1/6/16. The town will have information on two major pieces of the project back by then.  The heating system is still under discussion with no decision on the type of fuel to be used.  Insulation R values are different for historic structures (the Town Hall is on the National Historic Register).

Claire has drafted a list of questions and answers to post on line to inform the public. She discussed possible changes to the web site and requested email addresses be forwarded to her of folks interested in the project.  Next possible information event to be held on February 20th at the Elementary School on Old Warner Road.  A suggestion of February 15th for the Bond Hearing was accepted.

Jim Bibbo discussed the application for submitting a regional grant with CNHRPC.

Kelly Gale discussed the removal of a chimney at the Town Hall. January 14, 2016 was set as the next meeting date – 5:30 pm at the Community Center.  Claire asked that all members compile a list of why the town should support the project.  Presenting a unified list to the public will help the project.  Economic, Historic and Social reasons will help individuals identify with the restoration.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm. Minutes prepared by Cheryl Behr