ZBA Minutes 03.05.14



MARCH 5, 2014


Call to Order and Roll Call:

Brooks McCandlish, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:10pm with Denise Renk, Erich Caron, George Cilley, Mark Fournier, Alternate, Andrew Pinard arrived 7:15pm.

Brooks McCandlish, Chair seated Mark Fournier for Andrew Pinard.

Review and Consideration of January 8, 2014 minutes:

Motion was made by Brooks McCandlish to approve the January 8th minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Erich Caron. George Cilley abstained. Motion carried 4-0.

Craig Oesch-Conceptual Consultation re: Automotive Shop:

Craig Oesch and his father attended the ZBA meeting to discuss building a 50 x 80 x 15 foot building facing Route 103 with the entrance on Bagley Hill Road for an automotive shop. This lot is in the rural/residential zone. Mr. Oesch was advised he could get the forms on line and the secretary did give him a hard copy of the Special Exception form for his convenience, as well as Site Plan form that would be required from the Planning Board providing the criteria is met for the Special Exception from the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Mr. Oesch had written a letter of explanation to the Zoning Board with some prints. Brooks McCandlish, Chair advised that once the completed forms have been received, a Public Hearing would be scheduled.

To Do Folder:

Letters of Notice of Decision were acknowledged from the Planning Board.

Combining ZBA and Planning Board Files:

Andrew Pinard advised he had discussed with Marcia Keller, Chair of the Planning Board the feasibility of combining the Zoning Board of Adjustment and Planning Board files once the Zoning Board records have been completed.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to merge the completed or adjudicated ZBA files with the Planning Board files as done, and combine all when feasible. Motion was seconded and carried 5-0.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to increase the Application Fee by Ten Dollars to a total of Forty Dollars to include the fee for labels and the secretary preparing them for Certified Mailings. Motion seconded by Erich Caron. Motion carried 5-0.

Brooks McCandlish, Chair thanked Andrew Pinard for his participation in serving on the Zoning Board of Adjustment Board.

There being no other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned 8:00pm. Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary