ZBA Minutes 08.06.14



AUGUST 6, 2014


Call To Order and Roll Call:

Brooks McCandlish, Chair opened the meeting at 7:00pm with Mark Fournier, Vice Chair, Steve Pierce and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Erich Caron, George Cilley and Denise Renk were absent.

Review and Consideration of July 2, 2014 minutes:

Brooks McCandlish, Chair acknowledged the minutes for July 2, 2014 were reviewed and there was nothing to be added/changed. Members concurred.

Receipt of Applications:

There were no new Applications received.

To Do:

Copies of Notice of Decision was acknowledged from the Planning Board regarding Martyn Chivers Site Plan, Boundary Line Adjustment as well as the Bradford Historical Society Site Plan for moving the old Post Office Building to the Historical Society lot on Main Street East. (Just for the record, this was completed on Wednesday, August 6, 2014.)


The goal is to complete the Tri-Fold at the September meeting.

Replacing Secretary:

This being the last meeting for the retiring Secretary, discussion was for a replacement to be interviewed with the Planning Board at their August meeting. The Secretary was thanked for her efforts over the past several years.

Old Sutton Road Zoning:

Discussion regarding zoning on Old Sutton road and places listed for sale, could be Residential Business District.

Next ZBA meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, September 3, 2014.

There being no other business to come before the Board, meeting adjourned 7:30pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
