Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Minutes 10.12.22

Members Present: Carol Troy, Chair; Pam Bruss; Mel Pfeifle; Caleb Connor; Claire James; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator

Members Absent: Justin Dohrn; Tim McKenna

Also Present: Steve Hall, Road Agent; Sandra Bravo, Energy Committee chair

Meeting was called to order at 7:02

Review and consideration of the September 28, 2022 minutes

Motion to accept: Pam Bruss

Second: Mel Pfeifle

All Ayes

Steve Hall arrived at 7:05

Pam explained changes to the spreadsheet after the previous meeting. She said to get the tax rate closer to what was projected last year she had to cut a few items. The first was reducing the communications budget for the Police Department. Per the suggestion of Police Chief Ed Shaughnessy, she cut the Police communications budget by half. She also cut the Highway Department blasting budget by half.

Pam and Steve discussed this change in the blasting budget. Pam asked Steve to provide details on blasting cost and how money can be saved.

Steve explained that he is still waiting for the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission to provide an update on the road plan including projects that had been completed since the first plan was introduced last year.

Pam feels that the approval of the CIP should be tied to a specific plan with clear goals.

Also concerning the Highway Dept: paving costs have increased. We also need a long-term sand and gravel plan.

Claire felt that a specific paving plan is important and the paving itself be outsourced so the Town’s road crew can focus on other projects. Karen noted that the paving is currently outsourced.

The group discussed the road plan devised by CNHRPC and how best to present it to the town in a less confusing manner.

Steve noted that the road plan map being updated by CNHRPC will be done in time for town meeting.

Claire felt that road repairs should be separated from new paving in the plan.

Claire questioned the amount currently in the Highway Department Heavy Equipment Fund. Karen gave an update on that account amount.

Pam and Karen discussed the structure of the spreadsheet including expenses and offsets and how best to present so it is most easily understood by the public. The group decided to leave as it currently is structured to provide the most transparency.

Sandra Bravo discussed the weatherization project of the town buildings.

Pam explained that this is a newly created program coming into a 10-year projected plan and that it would need to be phased in over a few years. Pam explained that adding these projects all in the current year would increase the tax impact too much.

Sandra and Mel described the solar project planned at the Transfer Station.

Sandra has been in communication with ReVision Energy, the group spearheading the solar project in Newbury, which will be informative to the Bradford project.

Steve was questioned about the blasting at the Transfer Station and it was suggested that to save money, the Highway Department would purchase gravel instead.

Mel asked to see the entire cost of this including the cost of the road crew hauling the gravel.

Caleb offered to provide delivered cost estimates for the gravel.

After discussion by the group Pam changed the blasting cost to purchasing gravel and from $40,000 to $20,000.

Steve said the Roads and Bridges Committee would be meeting on October 20th

After some group discussion there was a motion to approve the CIP and present it to the Planning Board on Nov 22.

Motion to approve: Pam

Second: Karen

All Ayes

Motion to adjourn: Pam

Second: Claire

All Ayes

Meeting adjourned at 8:09

CIP presentation to the Planning Board on Nov 22, 2022 at 7:00 PM