Cemetery Minutes 09.15.17

CEMETERY MINUTES                                           SEPTEMBER 15 ,2017

Members present : J. Lucas ,C. Rodd ,D. Whalley and J. Lord, Custodian

Minutes of August 10 meeting were read and accepted by C. Rodd ,J Lucas and D. Whalley



The trustees reiterated that the Sarah Hoyt headstone will be repaired so that the epitaph will be able to be read ,which will require a metal frame and will cost $400. Headstone repair will begin in soon.

A major removal of dead or too tall shrubs has taken place at Sunny Plains Cemetery over the past couple of weeks.

Discussion was continued about adding the required corner stones for lots prior to a burial. The cornerstones are often over-looked and not installed. Having them in place with the sale of lots will eliminate this over-sight.

Jane will get information from the two monument businesses in the area.

Rules and Regulations will be put on the back table until time permits.



Discussion was held and the trustees approved a fund-raiser for Sweet Beet which will be held in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery around Halloween.

It was brought to the attention of the trustees that the Civil War Memorial at Pleasant Hill Cemetery is minus 5 cannon balls. Originally, there were 4 cannon balls at each corner and another on top of the 3 existing cannon on top of the memorial.

There was a sale of 2 10x 20 lots at Sunny Plains.