CIP Meeting Minutes 08.18.21

Members-Carol Troy, Chair; Pam Bruss; Justin Dohrn; Mel Pfeifle; Caleb Connor; Karen Hambleton; Town Administrator (via zoom)

Members Absent-None

Others in attendance: Dean Williams of Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission, Steve Hall Highway Department, Jeff LeBlanc Fire Chief.

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.

Review and consideration of the July 14, 2021 minutes.

Motion: Justin Dohrn motioned to accept with the change being that the group discussed a committee of 8-9 members but did not agree that it needed to be that number.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Potential projects for the CIP from various departments were discussed. Lois from the Transfer Station had none, the Police Department had none.

The Fire Chief and Road Agent were in attendance and this was considered their departmental interview.

Jeff LeBlanc from the Fire Department listed any changes:

The Fire Department pumper that last year was going to cost $400,000 would now cost of $505,000. The interior painting of the Fire Station was listed as a cost of $10,000 but realistically he said that cost would be more in the range of $20,000-$25,000. He stated it is not a high priority but it has never been done and should be. He discussed bottle replacement and cost and the money is available until 2026. He also discussed portable radio replacement as our current are circa 2001 and should be replaced. There are possible grants available and he will check into those.

Steve Hall from the Highway Department and Dean Williams from the Central NH Regional Planning Commission:

Dean spoke about a forecasting tool for road conditions and the future of roads developed by UNH and NHDOT. This tool uses a paving condition index (PCI) for the roads. Several charts were shown and they show that the average PCI of all paved roads in Bradford without any repairs is 49.0. With recommended repairs it would be at 53.9. In the other towns CNHRPC has used this tool, their average ranges from the mid 60’s -80’s. Bradford’s roads are in need of much repair. There was discussion about how to best use the money designated for road repair.  Dean also included color coded maps that showed current road condition that range from good to poor, a map showing the future if no repairs were done, and another map showing improvement if the plan is followed. Dean and Steve will touch base in the next few weeks to continue the discussion. All agreed that this tool was invaluable to see in detail the road conditions and their future.

Mel brought up the fact that if we decide to replace our road equipment via bond instead of saved funds and put those funds into paving, perhaps we could come from behind on the road paving. She also questioned the cost of equipment repairs as compared to interest on a lease payment.

Steve brought up that there will be a few large projects coming in the future including a culvert on Deer Valley Road.

Mel and Steve discussed sand and gravel and where to source them.

Steve will attend the next CIP meeting on Sept 8 and will hopefully be in attendance in future CIP meetings to fine tune the Highway Department projects.

Other business:

Upcoming CIP meetings: all Wed evenings at 7 PM : Sept 8, Sept 22, Oct 13, Oct 27, (Nov 3 if needed).

Pam asked Steve to submit specific Highway Department projects.

Schedule next meeting:

The next meeting will take place Sept 8, 2021 at 7 PM

Motion to adjourn: Justin Dohrn

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: Carol Troy-Aye, Justin Dorn-Aye, Pam Bruss-Aye, Mel Pfeifle-Aye, Karen Hambleton-Aye, Caleb Connor-Aye