CIP Meeting Minutes 10.13.21

Members Present: Carol Troy, Chair; Pam Bruss; Caleb Connor; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator

Members Absent: Justin Dohrn, Mel Pfeifle

Also in attendance: Steve Hall, Highway Dept.

The meeting was called to order at 7:02.

Review and consideration of the September 22, 2021 minutes.

Motion: Pam Bruss motioned to approve the September 22, 2021 minutes

Second: Karen Hambleton

All members-aye

Pam presented changes and edits to the CIP. Pam and Karen will review to confirm that the offsets correspond to the correct year.

Pam had previously met with two members of the Budget Committee to give them a preview of the CIP which was well received.

The group discussed the variables that affect the tax impact in addition to the CIP projects.

The group discussed ways in which to fund the Town Hall restoration.

Pam discussed the importance of a future vision and planning.

The group discussed the possibility of funding the Town Hall restoration by bond.

Karen presented some research on current bond prices and the possibility of taking out a bond for the amount to complete the Town Hall. Pam figured how that would impact the CIP.

The group discussed how best to present the CIP plan to the Select Board and Budget Committee at the Oct 25th meeting.

The group also discussed the best way to educate town residents regarding the CIP and its value. Strategies were discussed including having a public meeting prior to Town Meeting, advertising in the Bradford Bridge, ways to make the CIP chart more user friendly and easier to understand, streaming the meeting and advertising the streaming. It was decided that the Planning Board public hearing to adopt the CIP will be advertised in the Bridge and on the town website and streamed for the public to see. That meeting and public hearing will be on Nov 9th

Steve mentioned that it would be helpful to have Dean Williams from the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission to be present at the October 25th meeting to further explain the road plan as mapped out by CNHRPC. Steve will reach out to Dean to see if he could attend that meeting.

Caleb suggested putting together a 10-year road plan for residents to see the future road planning. Caleb will put together a brief plan.

Karen will send the road plan information to the CIP Committee, Select Board and Budget Committee.

Pam will create a PowerPoint presentation for the CIP presentation to the Select Board and Budget Committee.

Motion to adjourn: Pam Bruss

Second: Caleb Connor

All members- aye

Meeting adjourned at 7:55

Minutes submitted by Carol Troy.