Conservation Commission Minutes 09.15.15

Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
September 15, 2015, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, Seth Benowitz, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Brooks McCandlish.
Secretary’s Draft Report: The meeting minutes of 8/18/15 were amended to include the presence of Meg Fearnley.  Also, Seth Benowitz was reported to be present and was actually absent.  The minutes were then accepted in the amended form.
Treasurer’s Report: A donation of $65 was accepted from George Beaton from birdhouse sales.  Thank you, George, for your generosity in sharing the products of your wood working talents with the BCC!
2016 Budget Proposal: Meg informed the group of an increase in registration fees for 2016 conferences and seminars of $30.  Therefore, the BCC 2016 budget request will be $862 (2015 annual budget $832).
Trails and Public Lands Map Concern: A Bradford landowner approached the BCC with concerns about the misrepresentation of his property on the Bradford Trails and Public Lands Map published by the BCC.  However, he was referring to an older trail map; his issue of concern has since been corrected on the newer maps.
Trail Map Update: Brooks made a motion to hire Bill Duffy to update the trail maps to include the Blitzer easement on Center Road, and have 100 maps printed.  All members present were in agreement.
Warner River Protective Designation Program: Scott has volunteered to represent the BCC at the organizational meeting in Warner Wednesday, September 16 at 7pm to continue work on the application process.  Many thanks, Scott!
NH Association of Conservation Commissions Annual Meeting: The 2015 meeting is scheduled to take place in Pembroke on Saturday, November 7.  The agenda and workshop topics will be unveiled in the near future.
Planning Board: Hybrid Tech Farms did not attend the Planning Board meeting to present their anticipated site plan for review.
2016 Master Plan: After much discussion, it was decided to postpone the formulation of questions pertaining to natural resources until next month’s meeting.  Until then, Seth will collect questions from the 2006 Master Plan relating to natural resources and email to members to consider and use as reference for the 2016 Master Plan.
Potential Conservation Opportunity: Ann sent an email to the Hillsborough Conservation Commission regarding a possible conservation property but has yet to receive a reply.  The Rural Heritage Connection was also notified.
Bog Repair Day: This annual event is planned for Sunday, 18 October at 9a.m.  Advertising will be done on facebook and the Stewardship Network, as well as The Bridge and Intertown Record.
Natural Resources Inventory Chapter Synopsis: The current use chapter synopsis will be featured in the October issue of The Bridge.
The meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.  The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, October 20, 2015, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary