Library Trustee Minutes 11.01.17

Brown Memorial Library Trustee Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Attendance: Connie Scheffy, Mary Chris Duncan, Patty Furness, Nola Jordan, Annette Leonas, Sandy Wadlington, Meg Fearnley, and Ellen Barselle. The board meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm.

1. The secretary’s report was presented, and a motion was made and passed to accept the report.

2. Treasurer presented corrected report from September 2017 and a motion was made and passed to accept corrected report. October’s treasurer’s report was presented. The library received donations in the total amount of $185.00 dollars: $100.00 from St. Peter’s Lodge and $65.00 from the on-going book sale. A motion was made and passed to accept the donations. Payroll expenses are down a bit due to changes in staff hours and rate of pay. A motion was made and passed to accept the treasurer’s report.

3. The librarian’s report was presented, and patron numbers corrected to 1,003 in order to account for Halloween patrons. Children enjoyed the Halloween festivities and picking out a book to take home.

4. Old Business

A. LED lighting update: Rockingham Electric has been asked to come and provide a lighting consultation to help assess the libraries lighting needs. Library trustees have looked at how other libraries have updated their lighting as to make the best decision for BML.

B. Sandy will attempt to repaint lamp post and railing prior to winter.

C. Patty completed CIP request which included quotes for interior painting and carpeting.

5. New Business

A. Nola (Treasurer) and Patty (President) attended Selectman’s meeting on 10/23/17 to discuss how to handle the remainder of the appropriation. After reporting on her meeting with the Selectmen, Nola presented a draft budget request for 2018.  Following discussion, the Board voted to approve this budget which shows no increase over the 2017 appropriation.  While several line items do need to be increased, the decision was made to forego any increase in order to compensate for the unspent funds in the line item for fuel in fiscal 2017 due to our switching from a pre-buy arrangement to joining the multi-town consortium.  We will now be paying for our fuel as delivered instead of a year in advance.  The 2018 budget request was presented, and a motion was passed to accept the budget.

B. Santa comes to the library to read a story and pass out small treats on December 9 2017.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:55pm. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 12/6/17, at 6:00pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Ellen Barselle