Planning Board Minutes 03.27.18

Town of Bradford
Planning Board
Minutes 03.27.18

Meeting called to order by Pam Bruss at 7:03PM

Town of Bradford
Planning Board
Minutes 03.27.18

Meeting called to order by Pam Bruss at 7:03PM

Members Present: Pam Bruss, Chair; Claire James, Vice Chair; Carol Troy; Carol Meise; Selectmen Rep Jim Bibbo (arrived at 7:45 PM)
Members Present (pending appointment): Garrett Bauer
Members Absent: Tom Dunne
Alternates Present: Steve Chase; Doug Troy (arrived at 8:10 PM)

Planning Board Updates:

Welcomed Carol Meise, new 3 year term member

Elect Chair & Vice Chair for the Board; Carol Troy motioned to elect Pam Bruss as Chair, Claire James seconded, vote 3-0 in favor (Pam Bruss abstained); Carol Meise motioned to elect Claire James as Vice Chair, Carol Troy seconded vote 3-0 in favor (Claire abstained).

Claire James motioned to elect Steve Chase and Doug Troy as Alternates to the Board for a 3 year term, Carol Meise seconded the motion and the vote was 4-0 in favor; Board will discuss appointing a 3rd Alternate, Marlene Freyler, at the next Planning Board meeting.

Steve Chase seated in place of Tom Dunne.

Review & Consideration of Minutes – February 27th, 2018
Claire James made a motion to accept the minutes of February 27th, 2018. Carol Meise seconded the motion. Minutes were approved: 4 yes, 1 abstain.


NFI North appeared to discuss whether there is a change of use (Map 3/ Lot 35) located on Rt. 103, known as the Bradford School. The mission of the organization has changed from an adolescent focused residential facility to an adult transitional residential program. Pam read a statement from Phil Stockwell supporting the relationships NFI has built with the Bradford Community Center and the Town of Bradford. Leadership from NFI outlined the history of the facility and the evolution to the current environment. While the age group served has changed, the functions of outreach in the community, job training and education services have remained the same. Multiple members of the community spoke in support of the facility and the value the organization has provided to the community. The Board decided there was no change in use but that a Site Plan Revision should be submitted noting the change in the age group served. A follow up will be done on the recording date of the change as NFI had originally communicated with the Town on December 12th, 2017 and was originally informed there would be no need to update their Site Plan. Pam will follow up on the date that should be recorded.

Parking Lot Expansion for 2345 Route 114 & 2387 Route 114 (Ayer & Goss), Bradford (Map 6/ Lot 103,104 & 105) was presented by Dan Higginson, Higginson Land Services. He reviewed the scope of the activity, 17,000 square feet, no major excavation required, just grated and graveled with a crushed stone. Activity will require a Site Plan Review application which Mr. Higginson will provide for Board review.

Sweet Beet/Bradford Inn update was presented by Garrett Bauer; Claire recused herself from the conversation. Conceptual plan updates were presented for discussion. The most substantial update reflected a new septic design where an existing drywell did not conform to standards as well as some exterior porch extensions, parking delineation and lighting replacement. Change of use and a Full Site Plan review are anticipated, no commercial use planned for 2nd or 3rd floor at this time. Proposed commercial use of the 1st floor includes a café, a commercial use kitchen and a year round market. The Board would like to see the building owners attend a Planning Board meeting to provide an overview of the entire building’s use. Concerns identified revolved around any impact to storm water runoff and wetland impact, expansion of parking, zoning variance or driveway permit would be needed prior to the Site Plan Review. Garrett indicated interior activity was underway as permitted which consists of interior renovation, wall removal/construction and working with what is in place in the existing structure. Permit applications have been submitted to the State for the Commercial Business additions. The Board had requested the following items be assessed; Building Permit review, schedule a site walk after application is submitted, review project with the Planning Commission, review of storm water runoff, sidewalk cutout demands to accommodate parking, owner attendance to a Planning Board meeting, existing drainage pipe system review, setback review for parking.

Dunkin Donuts sign permit review; No change in size, just a rebranding, no permit required.

Lake Sunapee Group Inc. Bar Harbor Bank sign permit review, Jim Bibbo moved to approve, Claire seconded the motion, vote 5-0 in favor.

Planning Board Communications:

Circuit Rider Planner Assistance agreement fully executed which gives the Board increased access to a representative of the Planning Commission for support as needed.

Antique Store clean up, Claire commented that some progress made but there is still a significant quantity of items being stored outside. Tenant was given until end of March to clear storage items off porch and Planning Board will review the outcome of our request at the next meeting on April 10th, 2018.

Local Officials Workshop schedule was shared with the Board members and all were encouraged to attend.

Master Plan Review request has been sent to the Conservation Commission requesting that they provide feedback on any updates or edits that should be made to the 2006 Master Plan chapter titled, Natural Resources Plan. Their next meeting is planned for April 18th, which Claire plans to attend. She will bring feedback for the April 24th, 2018 Planning Board meeting. Traffic is the only chapter completed to date, and the Natural Resources chapter is planned next. Claire will consult with Mike Tardiff and will work on establishing a general outline of goals and delivery dates. Local feedback was solicited via mailings, door to door, email, Town Meeting, advertised in the Bridge feedback volume was similar to previous survey. Funding is in place and Claire will be scheduling Planning Commission support to attend a Planning Board meeting.

Garrett Bauer announced his resignation from the Planning Board and declined accepting the renewal of the additional 3 year term appointment citing time constraints would not allow him to serve the Board effectively. He did accept an appointment as an Alternate for a 1 year term.

An Autocraft update will be added to the next meeting agenda.

Meeting adjourned at 9:04 PM
Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn revised 4/2/18