Planning Board Minutes 11.25.08

NOVEMBER 25, 2008
7:00PMCall to Order and Roll Call

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair opened the November 25, 2008 meeting at 7:00pm with Marcia Keller, Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris present. Barbara Vannata, Bill Glennie, Jim Bibbo, Alternate and Jane Johnsen, Alternate were absent. There is a quorum. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair relinquished the Chair to Marcia Keller due to his not feeling well.

Review and Acceptance of the minutes of October 28, 2008:

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to approve the minutes of October 28th. as written. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 4-0.

To Do Folder:

Legal documents for Ledgewood Pines were discussed, and Marcia Keller advised they do need to be forwarded to Town Council for review before they are approved. A letter has been received from Wiggin and Nourie, PA, Ledgewood Pines Attorney who advised they have made the required changes, however, information from Jae Whitelaw shows that the very first covenants have not been changed. The covenants do need to be re-done, and the planning board is waiting for CNHRPC to respond. A bill for same has been received by the planning board.

Notice from the Town of Sutton regarding Omnipoint Communications, Inc holding a hearing on December 9, 2008 for three telecommunication antennas on an existing lattice tower was read.

Communication was received and read from Harriet Hobbs regarding her gravel pit, who advised she is in the process of hiring a licensed forester within the next two weeks and will advise the planning board of the results.

Upcoming conferences were read.

Notice from the Selectmen to all departments regarding the No Smoking Policy was read.

A letter was received and read from Nelson Perron advising his gravel pit is abandoned, which was in response to a letter to him.

A signed voluntary merger for Ledgewood Pines was found by Marcia Keller rolled up in the plans.

Mention was made that the planning board is still waiting for response from gravel pit owners: John Fortune, Richard Messer, George Naughton. Discussion ensued concerning other questionable gravel pit operations.

Dave Eckman, Eckman Engineering brought in required information for O E Trucking.

Public Hearing for Site Plan Regulations:

Marcia Keller opened the public hearing with a draft copy of the revised Site Plan Review Regulations prepared by the Bradford Planning Board for everyone. Discussion ensued with corrections, additions/omissions. The public made suggestions and comments.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to approve the Site Plan Review Regulation with changes discussed. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 4-0.

It was suggested that maybe Andrew Pinard would do the formatting.

Amendments proposed to the Subdivision Regulations were reviewed at this time, and were also discussed at length with suggestions for corrections, additions/omissions. Marcia Keller, Acting Chair asked if there were questions from the public. Several questions and comments were made. At this time, Andrew Pinard, Selectman representative joined the Planning Board Meeting as did Marge Cilley, Secretary. Andrew did agree to do the formatting at this time.

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux that the definition be added for Active and Substantial Development to the section on it on the Site Plan Regulations that were just approved. Barry Wheeler seconded the motion.

Andrew Pinard, Selectmen Representative suggested that a PDF file, or similar should be submitted with all plans upon application and upon approval and listed under the submission requirements. Millie Kittredge, advised it would be adding one more step of difficulty to the procedure.

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the Subdivision Regulations as they are updated without requesting the suggested PDF requirement. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Andrew Pinard, Selectmen’s representative was seated as an Alternate on the Planning Board at this time. It was suggested that applicants could be asked to add the PDF file if they would like to. Much discussion ensued regarding the PDF suggestion.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard, Selectmen Representative to amend the motion to add line 9 to require submission of electronic copying of the application and the approved plan to PDF or similar file. Sonny Harris seconded the amendment. Motion carried on the amendment 5-0.

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux to table this motion for one month, until December 9, 2008. Barry Wheeler seconded the motion. This will be re-posted proposing the amended subdivision regulations with a public hearing on December 23, 2008 to see if this will be finalized. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux to add the proposed language for section 18 of the subdivision regulations to be added as an independent section of the site plan regulation. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 5-0.

It was reported that Jane Johnsen advised the Safe Roads project is no longer in the works at this time.

Barry Wheeler suggested the Planning Board meet with the Selectmen again for more communication.

Marge Cilley, Secretary inquired if she should contact IAMNOW, Inc to check out the planning board computer which is not functioning properly, to which she was answered in the affirmative.

Gravel pit letters received in response to correspondence to them:

1. Harriet Hobb 2. Nelson Perron 3. Charles Spaulding

CNHRPC – Circuit Rider coverage was discussed, and they will not be coming on Wednesdays until the first of the year unless an appointment is made as it is slow now.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard, Selectmen Representative that the Circuit Rider come in on the first Wednesday of December to finish up any unfinished work, then come in on Wednesdays as requested by the Planning Board. Barry Wheeler seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

Marcia Keller reiterated that Ledgewood Pines information needs to be forwarded to the Town Attorney for review which was received by the Planning Board from Wiggin and Nourie.

It was decided that another letter should be forwarded to Harriet Hobbs advising her that seeding and planting may be inadvisable at this point in time, but a great deal of work could be done to grade and stabilize the slopes on the site and prevent erosion and run off onto the town roads.

Andrew Pinard, Selectmen Representative advised they had received a fax from DPX2 which he read.

Meeting adjourned 9:45pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
