Planning Board Minutes 6.13.17





June 13, 2017



Meeting called to order by Erich Caron, at 7:02PM.

Members Present

Claire James, Vice Chair; Carol Troy; Garret Bauer; Bob Close; Jim Bibbo (Selectmen rep); Michael James, Alternate

Members Absent

Erich Caron; Sonny Harris, Bob Close; Pam Bruss; Suzanne Simano, Alternate; Steve Chase, Alternate


Review and Consideration of Minutes

Minutes of 5.23.17 we approved with adding Bruce’s last name as Edwards

Gravel Pit Update:

Claire reviewed the file for Harriet Hobbs gravel pit. The board decided that they will send a new letter certified to Harriet stating that she needs to renew the bond and re-apply for a permit. Her bond expired today. Claire will draft the letters to Harriet and send to the secretary to send out certified.

Berry Wheeler – Claire, Brooks, and Robert went to his gravel pit a few weekends ago, he plans on filing an intent to excavate and he is aware that this is going to be late. He said that the Bonding was waved on his application


Cole Schlack: He is interested in buying the property on Rt 144, currently the building of the Post Office, and he is looking into possibly turning this into a multi family unit but is also not opposed to keeping it as a business center and asked the Board if they knew anyone that might be interested in having their business at that location, Claire had a suggestion and the secretary will give Claire Cole’s contact information so they can talk further. Currently the building is grandfathered and if he does not file a change of use he will not need to put in sprinklers, but if he does make it a multi family unit, he will need to put in a sprinkler system. Cole ran a couple of ideas and brain stormed with the Board.

Jim Bibbo: He came to inform the Board that Harry Wright’s term on the CNHRC has come to an end and someone needs to be appointed for that position. Jim recommended that Harry be re-appointed to his seat and the Board agreed and voted unanimously to have Harry re-appointed for another 3 years.

“Expert” Update:

Claire and Erich will present the Site Plan review in 3 parts, Aug. 8th, Aug. 22nd, and Sept. 12th. At the next meeting the Board will decide who will present next.

Sweet Beet Sign:

Garrett presented the Board with 3 applications for the signage: one for in front of the new location and also for two directional signs, the Board voted unanimously to approve all 3 applications.


The Board discussed that they need to form a committee for the CIP, there was a lot of discussion as to who should be on this committee in terms as other Board members. The Board agreed that there should be representatives from other Boards of the Town, Jim said that he would volunteer to be a representative for the Selectmen, and Claire and Michael both said they would represent the Planning Board. The Board also thought of other members that would be appropriate for this committee but made a motion to appoint Jim, Claire, and Michael to start the committee so that things could start moving forward. Michael said that he would volunteer to update the spreadsheets.

The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for June 27, 2017 at 7:00pm at BACC.

Meeting adjourned at 9:14 pm


Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins.