Select Board Minutes 02.05.08

FEBRUARY 5, 2008

Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the Selectmen’s meeting to order at 7:05 with Andrew Pinard, Charles Meany, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer present.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to table the minutes from January 29, 2008 until a later time. Seconded by Charles Meany and carried 3-0.


Needs Assessment Committee:

Tom Riley, Chair , and Everett Kittredge came before the Selectmen to present the final numbers for the two bids under consideration. They also have received a letter from Jim Bruss, dated February 4, 2008 (letter attached) who gave them some numbers associated with the administrative portion of the work. Tom Riley read this letter to the Selectmen.

Tom Riley, Chair NAC advised they were nearly ready to pick the final selection between the two, but in light of the letter, they motioned to ask the Selectmen for approval to use seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00) for the first part of Bruss’ first proposal, Contract Negotiation Oversight. They would like Mr. Bruss to help them, as the numbers are so close.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to allow the Needs Assessment Committee to expend the seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00) that is in their budget to pay Bruss Construction for their services. Charles Meany Seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Everett Kittredge advised he would give Bruss Construction the package in the morning.

Everett Kittredge advised they had sent addendums to both of the contractors to clarify items. Final totals for the Highway Garage are:

Horne                           $ 938,125.00

CMGC                        $1,001.352.00

Final Totals for the Police Station are:

Horne                           $ 528,680.00

CMGC $ 461,600.00

Grand Total for both pointed out by Everett Kittredge is:

Horne                           $1,865,567.80

CMGC $1,819,100.00

Everett also stated that Horne advised if both projects were done together there would be a $40,000.00 reduction.

Everett Kittredge also advised there were some permitting that needs to be done after Town Meeting, such as, design for septic system that David Eckman, Eckman Engineering has contracted with RCS Design that is ready to go to the State. Wet Lands permits will also be needed. Tom Riley, Chair advised the NAC will meet again next Monday evening, February 11, 2008 and be ready for the Bond Hearing on February 16, 2008.

Discussion ensued regarding contingency funds. Everett Kittredge also advised if these do pass then site work is to begin on April 1, 2008 and be completed by the end of the calendar year. Peter Fenton inquired as to what the hundred thousand ($100,000.00) would be used for. Andrew replied this is for: well pump and tank, bullet proof glass, generator, inspections, construction supervisor.

Everett Kittredge advised there is no money in the proposal for cisterns for water supply, which would be a one hundred thousand dollar ($100,000.00) item. There is no money in there for fire suppression other than the sprinklers for the holding cell in the police station. Charles Meany questioned if the fire department has reviewed the plans? Everett advised he is on Mark Goldberg’s agenda Monday at 7:00pm.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent:

Steve Lucier, Road Agent came before the Selectmen to discuss the Sunset Hill reconstruction to be put on as a Warrant Article. If the highway garage and the road to the dump pass, then take Sunset Hill off. He advised they are falling behind in repairing roads. Steve also advised that he feels if the Highway Garage Article does not pass, then twenty five thousand ($25,000.00) should be increased to forty thousand ($40,000.00) to repair the existing town highway building, which needs roof repair and septic system., and concrete floor, as well as insulation. Peter Fenton suggested Steve address this at town meeting.


Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Selectmen they do have to vote on recommendation for petitions.

On Warrant Article number 5, a petition, the Selectmen voted:

Two voted to not recommend, Andrew Pinard abstained. Carried to not recommend 2-0.

Article 6:

Selectmen agreed to recommend Article 6. 3-0

Article 7:

Selectmen agreed to recommend Article 7. 3-0

Article 8:

Selectmen agreed to recommend Article 8. Andrew yes, Peter Fenton and Charles Meany No. Article 8 Not recommended by Selectmen 2-1.

Article 9:

Article 9 is included in bond article, delete article.

Article 16:

Selectmen agreed to recommend Article 16. 3-0

Article 37:

Selectmen already agreed to recommend Article 37, and agreed to leave in. 3-0

Article 24:

Selectmen changed the dollar amount from Twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) to fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00).

Other Business:

1. Accounts payable and payroll manifests for signature.

2. Provan and Lorber testing contract signed for Naughton Property.

3. Police Dept. has one full time officer out of work, and with the training schedule, concerned he may go over budget by eighteen hundred dollars ($1,800.00) in 2008.

Meeting adjourned 7:00pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
