Select Board Minutes 04.21.09

Town of Bradford
Selectmen’s Meeting
April 21, 2009

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Charles Meany, Chair called the April 21, 2009 meeting to order at 5:35pm with Peter Fenton, Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley Secretary present. Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer was absent.

Review and Approval of April 7, 2009 and April 10, 2009 Minutes:

It was decided to review the minutes at a later time.


Kevin Allen, Map 3, Lot 9, Sub A, came before the Selectmen regarding a tax bill he has been receiving for land and building, but the property does not have a building on it, only a foundation. Mr. Allen was advised he will get an abatement, which will actually be refunded on the next bill this year, in the amount of Five hundred fourteen dollars ($514.00). Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised Mr. Allen she will make up a spreadsheet for him showing what the actual tax bill is for the land and foundation, on that one lot.

Mr. Robert Wright, Sutton:

Mr. Wright came before the Selectmen regarding his 21st year of involvement in the Independence Day Road Race as Director. He was requesting information regarding the Police, and Insurance. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Town has never carried a rider or waiver for the Insurance for the race in the past twelve years. Also the fee for a Police Officer is $35.00 per hour and the Police cruiser is $15.00 per hour. It was stated that about 200 runners usually participate, and some of the proceeds from the race went to Project Climb, and the local Church. Marlene Freyler advised she would put in two hundred fifty dollars from the 4th of July budget to go towards insurance, and Barry Wheeler offered one hundred twenty five dollars. The overall cost previously has been thirty eight hundred dollars. At this time, Charles Meany, Chair requested to be kept abreast of how it is all coming together. Marlene Freyler advised she was purchasing a tent which the Road Race could use.

Millie Kittredge, Zoning Board, regarding waiver for Martin building on Lake Massasecum:

Millie Kittredge has presented a waiver to the Selectmen to sign regarding the impossibility of the fire trucks being able to get to the property. The Town Attorney has previously approved like paperwork. The Selectmen did not sign the waiver, but suggested the owners of the property do need to sign it, then it should be presented to the Selectmen.

Ray Goodale, 2 Rowe Mountain Road:

Mr. Goodale requests waiving any additional penalties regarding his taxes, which was 15% of fair market value. Charles Meany, Chair suggested stipulations for the abatement of the 15%, that being cleaning up the yard. Mr. Goodale advised he has been cleaning it up and presented pictures showing same, and advised he will continue to finish cleaning up the area, with completion done by the end of this year or the first of next. Charles Meany, Chair suggested accepting the payment on arrears, plus the penalty, and then hold the seventeen thousand ($17,000) until completion of cleaning up the yard, by the end of the year. Peter Fenton advised that if Mr. Goodale cannot get the yard cleaned up by the time snow flies then he should come back to see the Selectmen. Cheryl Behr, Administrator will forward a letter to Mr. Goodale to sign and return to the Selectmen.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to waive the 15% on the understanding the property will be cleaned up by the end of 2009, but if not cleaned up, then Mr. Goodale will come back to see the Selectmen. Charles Meany, Chair seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Other Business:

Robert Stewart, Sr. came before the Selectmen regarding the newly negotiated contract for the Kindergarten at the Community Center. Paragraph 2 was discussed with a change requested by the Kindergarten to read renewed. It was suggested that the word be replaced with renegotiation, so it could be discussed at a later date per Robert Stewart.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to accept the tentative rental agreement as it reads, with a change in paragraph #2 stating the lease agreement may be renegotiated on or around December 31. Peter Fenton seconded. Motion carried 3-0. The Kindergarten will sign prior to the Selectmen’s signatures.

Bob Stewart, Sr. advised another problem to be brought up is money coming in from different groups using the space at the Community Center, such as for birthday parties, people coming in to sew etc. The State of NH has dictated that they now need insurance. Bob advised the Selectmen have the power to say they do not need to have insurance to these people if they want to. It was stated that LGC will not cover individual groups. Cheryl Behr, Administrator will format a form to be signed by users of the Community Center stating any damages will be covered or paid for by the recipient.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to give the BACC authority to offer a waiver of Insurance for any non-profit groups that meet at the Community Center. Charles Meany, Chair seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Bob Stewart, Sr. advised he has a lease coming up for CAP and proposes to raise their rent from six thousand ($6,000) to sixty six hundred ($6,600), which is $50.00 per month.

Peter Fenton questioned if the kitchen counters have been replaced to which Bob Stewart, Sr. advised yes, and since the building belongs to the Town of Bradford, they paid for it.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator discussed going on-line for renewals in the Town Clerks office due to the closing of the office on Fridays commencing May 1, 2009. This would involve costs for software at $3600.00, new printers etc.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator discussed LEOP (Local Emergency Operation Plan) which was approved last year, and now the Selectmen need to adopt it. Until this is signed by the Selectmen, no Conservation Grants for this building may be applied for.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to accept the LEOP, seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Accounts Payable and Payroll were reviewed and signed.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, to accept Marlene Freyler’s request to spend $1,400.00 from the Patriotic Purposes Account to purchase a 10′ x 20′ tent.

Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

The Selectmen requested that Marlene bring in the paperwork regarding the tent in question.

The Selectmen signed letters to: Manchester, Deed for MacNab, and Scheibel property.

A telephone call was received from Linda Pierce requesting to know if their lawn has been observed yet from a conversation at the April 7, 2009 Selectmen’s Meeting. Jack Meaney advised he has ridden by twice, and there is a small windrow, and it was noted that Steve Lucier, Road Agent will be taking care of it.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator will be working out hours of coverage when the office will be closed on Fridays. The Selectmen suggested they work out their own schedule.

The schedule for RFP’s for fencing and generator will be prepared for the next meeting.

There is an Energy Conservation Committee needed for the Stimulus, Charles Meany, Chair advised he would be on the committee.

Dick Moore wishes to have a radio for the Cemetery truck. Steve Lucier, Road Agent is having one being repaired which can be used.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to put the radio which is being repaired in the Cemetery Truck. Seconded by Charles Meany, Chair. Motion carried 3-0.

The topic of Town Hall driveway was passed over for tonight.

Peter Fenton advised a wall belonging to Mr. Pugliese on West Road was tagged last winter and needs to be checked out by the Highway Dept.

Non public session regarding personnel matters per RSA91A3IIc was held at 6:50.

No decisions were made. Out of Non-public session at 7:15pm.

Meeting Adjourned

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley