Budget Committee Minutes 04.21.09

Town of Bradford
Budget Committee Meeting
April 21, 2009

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Robert Stewart, Sr. called the April 21, 2009 Budget Committee Meeting to order at 7:05pm with Chris Aiken, Jane Lucas, Marlene Freyler, and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Gary Wall is absent. Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Peter Fenton, Selectmen Representative arrived at 7:15pm

Robert Stewart, Sr, Chair advised tonight’s meeting will include: 1. Elect a Chairman

2. Elect a New Member. 3. Review the Expense Accounts of the Town of Bradford, for the first three months.

Motion was made by Marlene Freyler to elect Robert Stewart, Sr. as Chair and George Morse to be second chair when Mr. Stewart is not here. Motion seconded by Jane Lucas. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion was made by Marlene Freyler to bring George Morse on as a new Budget Committee member, to fill the seat of Jack Meaney who has resigned as he has been elected as Selectman. Seconded by Jane Lucas. Motion carried 3-0.

Expense Accounts – Report #6737 thru 4/30/09

Account # Description Percent Remaining

4130                Executive                                                          65.60 %

4140                Election, Registration & Vital Statistics  50.32 %

4150                Financial Administration                                    64.58 %

4152                Revaluation of Property                                    79.96 %

4153                Legal                                                                83.81 %

4155                Employee Benefits                                            68.06 %

At this time, Jack Meaney presented his resignation letter to the Budget Committee effective immediately due to being elected to the board of Selectmen. He advised “it has been an honor and privilege to serve on a board that is staffed with dedicated people who show the concern for the well being for the Town and its Residents.”

4191                Planning & Zoning                                            84.53 %

(Circuit Rider should be reduced by


4194                Gen Govt. Bldgs                                               65.93 %

4195                Cemetery                                                         93.86 %

4196                Insurance                                                          61.98

4199                Other General Gov’t.                            100.00 %

4210                Police Dept.                                                     72.58 %

4220                Fire Dept.                                                         77.31 %

4225                Rescue Squad                                                  79.43 %

(Headings of each will be named in future)

(Fees have been submitted for payment)

Account for payments has been set up at


4240                Building Dept.                                                   88.47 %

4290                Civil Defense                                        100.00 %

4312                Highway Dept.                                     70.51 %

4313                Bridges                                     100.00 %

4316                Street Lighting                                      74.59 %

4323                Waste Collection                                              73.75 %

4324                Solid Waste Disposal                                        65.99 %

4415                Inoculations                                          100.00 %

4441                Welfare                                                            68.51 %

4445                Welfare Payments                                             92.40 %

4520                Parks & Recreation                                          98.50 %

4550                Library                                                             52.01 %

4583                Patriotic Purposes                                 100.00 %

Jane Lucas advised there are 275 Veterans

and flags will be procured for their graves.

4589                Community Center                                            78.79 %

4619                Other Conservation                              100.00 %

(Misc. Expense needs to be checked out.)

The following are Capital Expenses – Not Budgeted.

4903)               Capital Projects – Buildings

4909)               Bridges

4913)               Capital Project Funds

Adjourned 8:00pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley