Select Board Minutes 05.19.09

MAY 19, 2009

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Charles Meany, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Jack Meaney, Peter Fenton, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Review and Consideration of the minutes from April 7th , April 10th, April 21, and May 12, 2009:

Charles Meany, Chair requested the above minutes be forwarded to the board electronically again so they can approve at the next meeting on June 2, 2009.


Cheryl Behr, Administrator read a letter from Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, requesting Kevin McKenna be appointed as Deputy Treasurer.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to accept Kevin McKenna as Deputy Treasurer. Seconded by Charles Meany, Chair. Motion carried 3-0.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator will let Mr. McKenna know of his appointment.

William Star, regarding Town Hall survey:

Mr. Star was not present to discuss a letter sent to him regarding a survey, which includes his sun porch as it sits on town property, as well as the driveway, which is also on town property. At this time, the Selectmen suggested a letter be forwarded to Mr. Star, including a copy of the survey explaining the Selectmen do need to speak with him or the building needs to be removed from the town property.

DPTimes 2:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair of the Planning Board was unable to attend tonight’s meeting. Charles Meany, Chair recused himself from this discussion. It was discussed that DOT could be contacted regarding the sign which is in their Right of Way.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to forward all the correspondence to the Town Attorney for her recommendation. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Charles Meaney, Chair abstained. Motion carried 2-0.

Regular Business:

Accounts Payable and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Highway Garage was reviewed.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to approve the extension date of July 16, 2009 for West Meadow Road Bridge completion. Seconded by Charles Meany, Chair. Motion carried 3-0.

Intent to cut for Harris map 3, Lot 26 was signed.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator read a letter of complaint written by Janet Richter regarding branches, plastic and metal debris being thrown on a stone wall by a neighbor, Wanda Watkins, and it is falling onto her property. The Administrator advised this is a civil case, and if the remediation of the Town is not acceptable, then the court system should be contacted. (Letter on file). The Police Dept. will receive a copy of this letter.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator read a letter from the Bradford Rescue Squad listing Laura Callahan as a new member of the Rescue Squad. Richard Branch is still the Captain.

Intent to cut for Harris on Map 3, Lot 26 was signed.

Mention was made of Forest Fire Bills having been presented for payment, one fire from Newbury and one from Bradford and discussion ensued concerning billing from other towns who participated. A bill will be forwarded to the property owner.

Tax Warrant was signed as well as an abatement and gravel tax and warrant signed.

Test Pits for the salt sheds were discussed with two areas of sand being mentioned, Jones Road and the back end of the dump area, to see which is more suitable and to determine the amount that is available. An engineer’s input will be obtained to recommend where a new salt shed should be built.

Gravel which has been trucked in and left at the lower dump site was mentioned with concern about the gate being left open. Charles Meany, Chair advised the gate needs to be locked between loads.

Mention was made that the Town of Bradford did not make the list for stimulus money.

Marlene Freyler advised she was at a meeting with the Bradford Improvement Association last week with Jane Johnsen, Bob Richard and Carol Walker, spending 45 minutes discussing the noise from the Fire Equipment at the 4th of July parade. Marlene replied that Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief told her he would not have the noise from the sirens when questioned by Peter Fenton. Marlene advised Mark requested a reminder prior to the parade. Peter Fenton suggested that if anyone has further questions or problems to contact the Selectmen. Marge Cilley interjected that the previous noise kept some floats and animals out of the parade which has been a concern. Charles Meany, Chair advised Mark will tone down the sirens, therefore there needs to be no further discussion.

Mention was made of the loaning out of the tables from the Fire Department.

Highway Garage bills were gone over for payment.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief will be contacted to check out the new Highway Garage systems prior to requesting permits.

Concern for the high electric bills at the Community Center was discussed. Charles Meany, Chair suggested the Energy Conservation Committee look at this. A letter will go out to all departments regarding energy conservation

Discussion transpired regarding the signs at the lower dump site as well as Jones Road sand pit, and if they are there, they should be honored.

Millie Kittredge questioned if the people working on raising the Blacksmith Shop could park in the back lot at the Marshall property, to which was answered in the affirmative, as long as it was locked when they are out. Millie will be given the key.

Motion was made to go into Non-Public session by Peter Fenton per RSA 91A3II, at 6:35pm. Seconded by Charles Meany, Chair. Carried 3-0.

Non-Public Session

Non-Public Session was opened under RSA 91A3II at 6:37pm

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to put a freeze on hiring any full or part time employees for the Highway Department at this time. Seconded by Charles Meany, Chair. Motion carried 3-0.

No other decisions were made at this time.

Motion to go out of Non-Public Session at 7:15pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley