Select Board Minutes 07.05.11

JULY 5, 2011

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Barry Wheeler, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Jack Meaney was absent.


Dick Keller re: Bement Bridge Roof:

Dick Keller questioned where the Bement Bridge roofing project stands at this time, is it going out to bid? Harry Wright, Chair advised Cheryl Behr, Administrator has drawn up a document incorporating the essence of the items required, which will be looked at tonight to approve it to go out to bid. Dick Keller also questioned if it goes over the appropriated money, how will you go ahead with it? Harry Wright, Chair advised they already have two hundred and fifty dollars donated by the Bradford Business Association, with additional fund raising events having been discussed.

Dick Keller advised he appreciated the exhibit at the Art Center this past weekend, showing everyone what went on with the Bement Bridge reconstruction, which was actually a slide show that ran four minutes.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the specifications for the RFP that will be going out was taken from Roof Installation Proposal prepared by Weathercheck last February, and the return date has been set for July 29, 2011. This bid information will be put in the Intertown Record as well as around town.

George Cilley questioned if the initial existing proposal from Weathercheck that was presented to the Selectmen several months ago was going to be included in the bid process to which they answered, no, it would have to be re-submitted.

Lisa Smith-Butman Road:

Lisa Smith came before the Selectmen questioning if there were any known issues with purchasing a property on Butman Road, the only house on the road. Barry Wheeler suggested she contact the people who own the Road, Churchill Heselton. Marcia Keller, Chair of the Planning Board advised that this road has never been a town road. Lisa Smith advised she did not expect the town to maintain the road, but would like to be able to use it and maintain it herself. Harry Wright, Chair suggested Lisa Smith could come to the Planning Board. Barry Wheeler suggested she should talk with people who own both sides of the road prior to cutting any trees down.

Marlene Freyler:

Marlene Freyler discussed the fireworks, and thanked Barry Wheeler, property owner, the Police Dept., Fire Dept. and Highway Dept. for their help in the celebration. Also brought up is the 225 Anniversary of the Town in 2012 and plans need to start early for a celebration. Barry Wheeler spoke on the confusion regarding the Fire Works and where they were placed near his road which caused some confusion. Somehow people should be alerted to not remove “No Parking Signs” during the 4th Celebration per Marlene Freyler.

Regular Business:

Accounts Payable manifest and payroll manifest were reviewed and signed.

All the groups were thanked for all their participation in the 4th of July celebration.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Art display materials need to be inventoried before being stored at the Town Hall as well as a way to secure their materials.

The Electrical Box needs to be able to be accessed at the ball field, and a key should be available. Also, a dumpster should have been made available.

Sidewalk Forum:

The upcoming Sidewalk Forum at the Highway Garage on Tuesday, July 12, 2011 at 5:30pm was mentioned.

Also the Planning Board has a busy night with several Public Hearings commencing at 7:00pm.

The BACC is also meeting that evening.

Public notice for Griggs:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the 4th Publication was placed on July 3rd for the individuals involved who now have 20 days to respond, after which time the town will have to petition the Henniker District Court to receive an order to be able to take the building down. Additional conversation ensued.

Commissioner appointments for BACC:

Legal information received was in their opinion, the commissioners should be a resident of the town, since the Town of Bradford has not entered into a cooperative agreement with another town or surrounding towns, then they would have to be a town resident.

Question was: do the Selectmen want to set up some sort of cooperative agreement with surrounding towns? Newbury and Warner are the next largest non resident users of the Community Center.

Legal information also advised that the Selectmen must sign any lease if they have not delegated power to do so to anyone else.

It was suggested that as long as all the Commissioners are from Bradford, the Selectmen approve the current Commission as is with one vacancy. This was unanimously agreed upon by the Selectmen.

Bob Manchester requested the Chair of the Selectmen, and the Chairman of the Commission, the Chief of Police talk with each other.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair that a conversation will be held tomorrow morning between him and Jim Valiquet, advising of the legal issue as the Selectmen perceive it, unless they come up with a different conclusion, that we voted everyone else in, holding his name in advance. Motion seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 2-0.

The names of the Commissioners were read off again resulting from the June 14th BACC Meeting that appeared in the minutes of June 21, 2011.

Jim Valiquet                  1 year term

Margaret Raymond                   2 year term

Will Hurley                               3 year term

Bruce Edwards             2 year term

Bob Manchester                       1 year term

Debbie Flinkstrom                    3 year term

Karen Hambleton                     1 year term

Repairs at the Community Center:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Chief of Police questioned whether the fence at the Community Center needs to be repaired or replaced which has been damaged by snow removal. Discussion ensued regarding the necessity of the fence since it is at the rear of the property and was originally put up when there was a school there. The Selectmen advised they will take a closer look at it.

It was pointed out by George Cilley that there are some pine trees beside the driveway to the Community Center that should be looked at before a liability occurs.

Status of Budget – Unanticipated expenditures:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator read the following list of unanticipated expenses for 2011:

Actuary                                    3,250.00                     audit expense

Mold #1                                   500.00                        general government buildings

Mold #2                                   2,900.00                     general government buildings

Community Center roof            4,000.00                     emergency expense

Police roof                                600.00                        emergency expense

Police wall removal-mold          1,500.00                     emergency expense

Community Ctr Water Filter 700.00                  maintenance Community Ctr.

Trailer for Police during repair 2,500.00 emergency expense

Cap on Senior Rm exit door     5,000.00 emergency expense

Electrical work-upstairs town hall 500.00                      maintenance town hall

Ploettner-2010 Val exc invoice 1,500.00 legal deductible

Cabinet installation Comm Ctr. 2,100.00                       comm ctr maintenance

Fence Community Center ????

Bement Bridge              5,000.00                     from Bridge line item

Total  30,000.00

Cap reserve for emergencies 18,000.00

Town hall repairs 20,000.00

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised there were abatements for signatures as well as a letter to the Secretary advising there are 72 hours left for her services to be signed.

Jon Marden, as a member of the CIP Committee and having the responsibility of getting response from the Highway Dept. advised he has left three messages on the Road Agent’s telephone which have not been responded to and is questioning why. Harry Wright, Chair advised they will check up on why.

Jon Marden stated that his second issue is there has been no resolution regarding the wires to his property which were going to be taken care of prior to the 4th of July as discussed two meetings ago. Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief advised he had talked with Jeff Remillard, Road Agent and they were going to get together when he had time. Jon Marden stated this problem has been five weeks now. Harry Wright, Chair advised this will be addressed in the morning.

Ruth Marden questioned if they could be notified when the work is going to be done to which she was assured they would.

A complaint regarding a landlord on Sunset Hill Road was received and quoted RSA 48A:14 and listed a long list of problems. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the town does not have rental inspection. Discussion ensued.

Barry Wheeler brought up a Road Bond which needs to be signed as he is doing the cutting on property owned by Amy Blitzer. It is under Barry Wheeler’s existing bond.

Motion to go to Non-Public session per RSA 91A3IIc was made, seconded and carried.

Regular meeting adjourned 6:50pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley