Select Board Minutes 09.16.08


Town of Bradford

Selectmen’s Meeting

September 16, 2008


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00pm with Charles Meany, Andrew Pinard, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer present.

Review and Acceptance of the minutes of September 2, 2008:

Correction of the spelling of Jack Meany’s name on page 3. Should be spelled Meaney.

Motion to approve the minutes as amended made by Charles Meany, seconded by Andrew Pinard. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion made by Andrew Pinard to approve the September 2, 2008 Non Public minutes as written. Seconded by Peter Fenton. Motion carried 3-0.


Michael Martin came before the Selectmen regarding building off East Shore Drive on Lake Massasecum. The access to the property is a concern regarding the Right of Way from a common parking area as well as access to the water from this Right of Way. Mr. Martin advised his intent is to put up a three season camp. Mr. Martin passed out to the Selectmen a Title LXIV Planning and Zoning paper with Regulations of Subdivision of Land and pointed out some of the topics pertaining to his request. Mr. Martin also handed out a copy of part of the deed to the Selectmen. Andrew Pinard advised that any and all construction on this property would have to comply with the current Zoning Regulations regardless if the lot was pre-existing. Charles Meany pointed out that this is a lot of record, and as long as Mr. Martin can comply with all current regulations water in, water out, some type of septic system etc. he could do as he wishes. If the Building Inspector denies the project, then he should go to the ZBA requesting a variance.

Dan Wolf appeared before the Selectmen to discuss the opening on the School Board as Jon Steiner has resigned. He has been asked to stay on until the Budget Meeting, which is on October 4th. A replacement will be needed to fill in from that point until the March election. They are looking for a representative from Bradford, and are asking the Selectmen if they have any suggestions. An ad will be put in the Shopper and Mr. Wolf asked the Selectmen to spread the word. There will be two weeks for applicants, then interviews will be held and a decision will then be made as soon as possible thereafter.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent advised the backhoe is back together thanks to Dave Long who was instrumental with ideas of how to repair it, and most of the cost would be in the form of labor. Steve Lucier also suggested to the Selectmen that perhaps a way to help save money would be for the road crew to come to work at 6:30am until 3:00pm, which would be a potential to save 2.5 hours of overtime, especially in the winter time.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard for the Road Agent to change the hours of operation to 6:30am to 3:00pm to commence on September 22, 2008. Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried 3-0.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent advised they were sealing the following roads tomorrow (Sept. 17, 2008) and Thursday: Cilley Lane, Old Sutton Road, and both ends of West Road.

Highway Garage Update:

Charles Meany advised engineering plans for all aspects are needed, footings, foundations, slab, however, this appears not to have been done, for the new highway garage. At this time, they are at the Engineer’s office having the plans with the footings and foundations properly engineered and stamped. The Building Inspector has been asked to allow the building permits to be issued for footings, foundations and building which will give them time to engineer the mechanicals that have to go in the floor before they are poured. Charles Meany advised:

1. A change order needs to be signed, and Dave Eckman, Eckman Engineering is

working on this for a $1,200.00 cost for concrete plans.

2. A letter from Rockford Manufacturing Company, the company who is making the

building, forwarded a letter requesting the Selectmen and Mike Sailer to sign showing

the drawings are approved, to accept the building as it is, and then they will start


the building. Plans were initialed by Peter Fenton and Charles Meany. Andrew

Pinard did not sign them.

Andrew Pinard questioned the plans not showing any personnel doors being placed, and would they be warranteed? Charles Meany advised everything is included, but the doors can to be placed where wanted.

Motion was made by Charles Meany to not sign the change order Number 2, for the box drain in the center of the garage floor. Motion Seconded and carried 3-0.

Regular Business:

Accounts Payable and Payroll were reviewed and signed.

Correspondence to the following was signed:

1. Robin Sanborn- Letter read into the minutes. (Letter on file)

2. Department Heads regarding upcoming Budget.

3. Library Letter to consolidate programs and hours.

Veteran’s exemption was signed and elderly exemption was discussed.

Personnel Manual discussed for signature.

The Town Clerk notified the Selectmen via letter that effective immediately, there will be an increase of $ .50 per registration processed at the local level, to help defray the added cost of doing business

An additional source of funding for Waste Oil was presented by Cheryl Behr, Administrator, through a Grant from NH the Beautiful which was signed by the Selectmen.

A letter dated September 9, 2008 was received from the State approving the request to authorize emergency expenditure under RSA 32:11 of $51,500.00. Cheryl Behr, Administrator read the letter into the minutes. (Letter on file).

Andrew Pinard advised the Selectmen did not approve the bid on the Fire Department roof. The Selectmen did request the Budget Committee to consider, which they did, and approve to allow over expenditure for this purpose.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard, that in the future if a bid is opened and it exceeds the money that is there, then the bid not be accepted, and that bid should be considered null and void at that point. A second bid should be allowed for a change of scope of work. No second, no vote was taken.

Andrew suggested the Selectmen consider this proposal anew and not accept it with the 50% down payment that is stated on it. If this proposal is to be accepted, which is outside the bid process, then the Selectmen will state what the deposit will be.

In the future, a bid package or estimates requested will be giving specifications in writing from the town as to payment schedules and will be part of the RFP.

Peter Fenton, Chair asked if the Selectmen were all in agreement that the Fire Dept. Roof will be done, and the answer was yes, unanimously.

The bid as presented by Rodney Sargent, General Contractor will be approved with the agreement that attached to the bid would be the specifications as outlined originally by Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief, as well as being signed by the contractor.

Police Retirement will be increasing from 11.27 to 12.68 this year.

LGC insurance paperwork was reviewed and signed.

CNHRPC sent short note advising road salt last year was $47.00 and this year will be $60.00.

Large set of plans was given to the Planning Board, but they were not found, and a mylar will be required for filing, regarding the land swap at Cilley Lane.

Fund Balance is not $600,000 as previously stated, but is actually $447,696.

Corrections to Personnel Manual will be reviewed on September 30, 2008, as will Tax Sale properties in town.

Motion was made to table Wage and Salaries issues until the September 30, 2008 meeting by Andrew Pinard. Seconded by Peter Fenton. Motion carried 3-0.

A letter was read into the minutes from the Conservation Committee by Cheryl Behr, Administrator, dated September 15, 2008, regarding The Granit System, overseen by the NH Co op Extension Service, updating its conservation lands data.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard for the Selectmen to request the Building Inspector to draft a letter to DES indicating a possible violation that the State should be aware of on Alder Plains Road. Charles Meany seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Robert Stewart requested that Water Supply and Pollution receive a copy of the letter that the Selectmen are requesting the Building Inspector write to DES regarding a possible violation.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard that the Select Board direct the Building Inspector to draft a letter to the Planning Board advising them of a possible Home Business being operated out of the trailer on Route 114 to see if that is something that should go before a Site Plan Review. Seconded by Peter Fenton. Motion carried 3-0.

Meeting closed at 7:50PM to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91A:3IIc.

Out of Non-Public meeting at 8:15PM

Meeting Adjourned 8:15pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
