Select Board Minutes 11.23.10

NOVEMBER 23, 2010

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Harry Wright, Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Peter Fenton, Chair advised a canoe was found on Lake Massasecum and the Fire and Rescue responded and there was no one in it. The Selectmen want to express their appreciation to the Fire and Rescue and also advised the person was found the next morning and everything was fine.

Public Hearing on the acceptance of unanticipated revenue will be held prior to the regular Selectmen’s Meeting.

$14,586.41 FEMA Flood event and Highway garage $494.82 for culvert salvage, which will be put back into the Highway Dept. Fund per Peter Fenton, Chair.

Peter Fenton, Chair questioned if there were any comments from the Board or from the Public. There being none, a motion was requested.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair to accept the acceptance of unanticipated revenue in the amount of $14,586.41 for FEMA Flood event, and $494.82 for Culvert Salvage. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.


Marcia Keller, Planning Board –CIP:

Marcia Keller, Planning Board Chair made a formal presentation of the CIP which has been recently prepared by a very able CIP subcommittee consisting of Don Jackson, Chair, Harry Wright, Selectmen’s Representative, Bill Glennie, representing the Planning Board, Marlene Freyler, Jon Marden. Jon Marden did most of the computer work with the help of Bill Glennie and the beautiful colored documents were the services of Autodesk. The CIP is to look at improvements for the next ten years, taking into consideration of those costing ten thousand dollars or more. Each Department was given a form to fill out requesting their anticipation of Capital needs in the next ten years.

The present committee has agreed to stay on as the subcommittee for future years. Peter Fenton, Chair questioned the highway grader not being in the report. Jon Marden stated the grader was pushed out to 2016 because of the back hoe. Marcia Keller stated that they tried to balance and prioritize. Jon Marden stated that this is a starting point and Dick Keller suggested the Town might look into renting a grader.

Marcia Keller, stated the Zoning Maps should be put back up in the Town Hall.


BACC Job Description:

John Bruss came before the Selectmen and questioned the BACC Director’s Job Description. First thing brought up is the Scheduling of Activities and Cheryl Behr, Administrator suggested posting them in several areas in town as well as in the Bridge. These could be changed every week or two if needed to be. It was also advised the Selectmen need to be made aware of updates with a monthly report becoming due on the 15th of the next month. John Bruss stated that the Director’s Job Description is different then the first one they received. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the only difference being the Parks and Rec information has been removed. It was stated that there is a volunteers sign in book available and this list also needs to be presented to the Selectmen. The general hours of work commencing January 1, 2011 will be four hours a day and the suggested hours were from 10:00am to 2:00pm, and that will be discussed and they will get back to the Selectmen. This will be tabled until the December 7, 2010 meeting and John Bruss will attend at that time for further discussion.

Ken Anderson, Land Fill:

Ken Anderson came before the Selectmen advising Marilyn Lear, North East Resource Recovery will get figures for a trailer for recyclables, as a consolidated load would be less expensive than several smaller loads. This information will come to the Selectmen’s office via e-mail. This could include aluminum, paper and cardboard. The existing trailer would require about fifteen hundred dollars to be road worthy. This will be discussed at the December 7, 2010 meeting after the e-mail comes in.

Ken Anderson also advised he is having a problem getting the cover person to come in for him when he is gone, and has found someone who is certified and is willing to cover. The Selectmen will check this out with Jeff, Remillard, Road Agent. The Selectmen will call Naughton’s for an informational meeting.

Library, Bea Howe:

Bea Howe came before the Selectmen advising they are having water problems in the basement. Discussion ensued with a Warrant Article suggested and Jeff Remillard, Road Agent will be asked to look at it and get back to the Selectmen.

Regular Business:

Accounts payable manifest and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed

Gravel warrant was signed

Request for Capital Reserve Funds from Trustee of the Trust Funds Revaluation signed.

Request for Capital Reserve Funds for emergency bridge repair on Breezy Hill road. Breezy Hill road Bridge – second bridge update signed. Discussion ensued if being a Historic Bridge, could it be built nearly as is today? Should replacement be persued?

It was stated that FEMA would pick up the cost for a temporary bridge.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to go forward with the bridge design endeavor. Seconded by Peter Fenton, Chair. Motion carried 3-0.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator presented a copy of a new Town Seal to be considered which was designed by the original designer.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair to accept the new design for the Town Seal. Seconded by Harry Wright. Motion carried 3-0. Peter Fenton, Chair requested to cancel his motion.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair to shrink the design first to see what it looks like for a letter head and if it was decided that they did not want to use it on a letterhead, then it could be used on vehicles. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator read the following letter from the Budget Committee to the Selectmen.

November 3, 2010

Board of Selectmen

During the review of third quarter year-to-date expenditures as well as initial budget discussions with many of the Department Heads, several questions and/or concerns surfaced that the Budget Committee would like to pass on to the Select Board for their possible review and consideration as applicable.

The first deals with regionalization as it might apply to the Highway, Police, Fire, Rescue and Transfer Station Departments. Some or all may have been considered in the past, yet a current review might be timely with the 26% increase in operating costs over the past four years and a 2% population increase.

The second question concerns the sharing or grouping of services ie telephone, computer, copier, etc. A quick review of total telephone costs suggests some possible savings.

In reviewing some departmental year-end expenditures, one observes noticeable “December” spending which would appear to max-out a budget that quite possibly could show a surplus. The question is, is this monitored effectively with the purchase approval guidelines currently in place, ie purchases over $500., over $1,000. and over $5,000.?

Last but not least, given the current economic situation, is it timely to consider a part-time purchasing agent to maximize the town’s purchasing power as well as to monitor spending?

The Budget Committee would be available at your convenience to discuss any or all of the above concerns. Our goal is to serve the town in a professional oversight manner and recommend and support the necessary town departmental needs.

Yours respectfully,

Budget Committee

Due to the time and other meetings to be held this evening, it was the decision of the Selectmen to go over the budgets at this time and address the letter at a later meeting with the Budget Committee.

Correspondence reviewed and signed.

Used Oil Grant was approved for $2,200

Notice was given for the TE Grant kick off meeting on Dec. 2,2010 in Concord, at 10:00am.

There will be a Safe Routes to School meeting on Thursday, December 2, 2010 at 3:30pm in the Town Hall.

On December 4th, 2010 at 9:00am a Renovation Committee Meeting will be held at the town hall to determine whether to organize something for town meeting.

The Budget was discussed:

4130                Executive

The Salary and part time wages will increase $16,000 and Cheryl Behr, Administrator will break this out . Other increases will be for the Town Report, Postage, and there is $1,200 for one new computer. This was approved to pass on to the Budget Committee

4152                Revaluation

Cross Country is expensive, Chris Frey, who is certified through The State will continue doing the measuring and listing.

4153                Legal

Increase due to Town Attorney usage

4155                Employee Benefit

Increase of $30,000 due to 2 Rescue Squad employees with $24,082 expected return from insurances.

2100 will have a small reduction due to reimbursement from COPS Grant

4191                Planning Board

Part Time Wages were questioned as being enough, but it was Combined with the ZBA. Also discussed was the Circuit Rider usage, which at this time is Unknown.

4194                Gen’l Gov’t Bldgs.

Concern regarding the Town Clock in the Church was brought up as to winding, oiling etc. and maybe a Job Description is in order. Town Heating shows an increase of $3,000. Furnace and Duct Work- increase of $7,000.00. Landscaping change to reflect $1,000.00

Maintenance increase by $620.00

Misc repair increase by $2,000.00

Town Hall Landscaping is reduced by $500.00

4550                Library

Same as last year and included supporting documents

Salary increase of 1%

Fuel $3,000

Internet charge included.

Peter Fenton questioned 5% reduction to which they advised No, but is the same as last year.

The board agreed to pass on to the Budget Committee.

4199                Other Gen’l Gov’t.

Milfoil at Massasecum to continue

French’s Park water testing

Sanitation – at French’s Park less time for Porta-Potty

Decision was made to table going over the rest of the expenses til the next meeting, November 30, 2010.

Discussed was the Emergency Fund, and replacing the Hot Water Heater. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised it is already being taken care of, and will be replaced under Warranty.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to go into Non-Public Session for Personnel issues per RSA 91:A3II proposed salary scale, at 7:27pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley