Select Board Minutes 12.21.11

DECEMBER 20, 2011

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Barry Wheeler, Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley Secretary present.


John Greenwood, RFP for Town Hall:

John Greenwood, Town Hall Restoration Committee member came before the Selectmen and stated that they are putting everything together for a final package for a Town Forum and are asking for RFP for a request for pricing for the plans for bidding for these projects and need the money for advertising for quotes. Project Manager, Jeff Taylor has agreed to facilitate the Town Forum for $1,000.00 to be held January 14, 2012, to address issues of the voters and see where we can go from there with the Renovation of the Town Hall. Jeff Taylor will also write up the minutes from that meeting.

Harry Wright, Chair reiterated that the purpose of the RFP’s is to advertise the project and get some quoted numbers. John Greenwood advised it would be for Project Management Companies to bid on the project. The Project Manager would write the RFP.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator would get copy of the RFP for the Town Attorney to look at.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to approve the request presented to the Selectmen by John Greenwood for an RFP. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0.

Harry Wright, Chair suggested that the Town Forum has to do largely with the Town Offices and suggested the Town Office Relocation Committee should also be invited to join in the Forum.

Marcia Keller interjected that since the Forum is being facilitated by a Planning Consultant, and since the Planning Board paid for the Forum last year, there may be money in the Planning Board account that is available. She will talk with the other members at their next meeting.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair, for the Selectmen to approve using the $1,000.00 from the Planning Board to pay for the Town Forum Facilitator contingent upon the Planning Board approval at their Dec. 27th meeting.

Marlene Freyler, Town Office Relocation Committee:

Marlene Freyler questioned the Selectmen if they are telling that committee that they have to attend the Forum to which Harry Wright, Chair advised they are strongly suggesting they attend. Marlene advised she would have to check with her committee.

Marlene said they have not had any more meetings. Marlene advised the Police are where they are so they are no concern now. Marlene advised they would like to show what they could do in the future, but didn’t feel it was necessary to come up with the cost of it for the future. Marlene advised she didn’t feel it was necessary to get any Engineering studies or any costs. The committee’s main concern right now is for the town offices for the time being, to be able to use the whole of downstairs of the Community Center.

Harry Wright, Chair questioned Marlene if the Relocation Committee was looking at things on a temporary basis, ultimately going back to the town hall? Marlene stated that even if the offices go back to the town hall, they need space no matter what for the town offices.

Marlene asked what would they be asked at the Forum? She also stated that they (The Town Hall Restoration Committee) are trying to show the cost and everything else.

Harry Wright, Chair stated that the Town Office Relocation Committee function was to plan alternatives for town offices from town hall and that has to include Police, and the plan should be a more comprehensive project. Harry Wright, Chair asked, why buy out the Grant? Marlene replied so they can have the whole down stairs for use. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised they do not know if that is going to be required.

Beth Rodd stated that everybody’s ideas and comments at the Forum are welcome and suggested to get as many voices heard as possible.

John Greenwood stated that what they are going over is short and long term solutions to an issue that’s on going. We’ve used up all the band aids at the town hall and we’re going to be doing the same thing here at the Community Center. The Forum hopefully will give ideas for a long term solution. The town has grown 50% in thirty years.

Marlene Freyler questioned if Mr. Jeff Taylor will be representing the Town Hall Restoration Committee to which she was answered no. The next question was should she meet with Mr. Taylor to which she was answered yes.

Marcia Keller stated that that the intended Title of the Forum is: What’s best for Bradford? That is what we are looking for. Every ones questions and ideas are what is going to help make whatever comes out of this is what’s best for the town, not for you, not for me, not for this group, not for that group, for the Town of Bradford. Marlene Freyler stated she would get in touch with Jeff Taylor tomorrow.

Jon Marden suggested he would like some assurance that some use was going to be made with it afterwards from the Facilitator’s report at the Forum.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that every time they file a Grant, they pull these reports out stating that the Town held a Forum, facilitated by-and this was the results. These meetings serve as background information on any of your applications going to the State or anywhere else. Cheryl also stated that the population hasn’t changed, but maybe the questions have as they are no longer in the Town Hall, now we have an empty building. If we are not at the Community Center now, then where?

It was stated that Jeff Taylor is a non partial moderator/facilitator.

Will Hurley stated the last Forum was very informative but he doesn’t recall ever seeing any results of it. Marcia Keller advised the results were written up in the Bridge.

George Cilley interjected that these meetings are to inform the public prior to Town Meeting.

Regular Business:

Cemetery and Landscaping Bids:

Landscaping/Maintenance for 2012

James Lord                                          $2,800.00

Mike Ripberger                        39,000.00

Gary Young                              20,500.00 Cemetery Custodian $8,000.00


Bruce Edwards                         1,100.00 per Month

Includes: Community Center, Highway, Office Area, Fire Station. Police Dept.

Bonnie Warren

Fire Station and Town Offices. Town Sheds @ $15.00/Hr.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to award the cleaning contract to Bruce Edwards. Jack Meaney seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

A letter was signed to Everett Kittredge requesting a release of funds from the Town Building Emergency Repair Fund. This was to cover the roof at the Police Station, the roof at the Community Center and to cover the windows at the Community Center.

Distribution of FEMA money:

It is estimated that $78,000 will be coming from FEMA to reimburse expenses of the town, including:

Payroll                                                                                                  14,243.15

Culverts                                                                                                18,320.00

Equipment Rental                                                                                  5,680.00

Gasoline/Fuel                                                                                        2,895.00

And the Asphalt that was purchased to cover the culvert repairs. $13,361.36

Jon Marden questioned the payroll and rental equipment from FEMA as those funds were already committed, and the money that was charged against FEMA should be retuned to unexpended funds to appropriate categories to off set funds that were already budgeted.

Accounts Payable and Payroll manifests were signed.

Sanding the Community Center Parking Lot: Bruce Edwards has asked the highway department to not sand the walk into the back of the Community Center, however, Cheryl Behr advised it is necessary to keep this area safe.

Intent to cut for Map 10, Lot 47 on Dunfield Road. Discussion ensued regarding it is State Property, but David Buxton has signed the intent. Owner of the property needs to sign the form. Barry Wheeler questioned chipping which was not on the form. This will be checked into by Cheryl Behr, Administrator.

Police Dept. Budget

The Police budget needs a Line Item for Maintenance & Repair (that has already been given to the Budget Committee) needs to be increased by $11,000.00 plus the cost of electricity.

Barry Wheeler questioned the Police Station repairs, and did it go out to bid? The decision was a spur of the moment decision to get the Police moved.

A letter was received from Charles Hoppin on Fairground Road regarding their bridge. They are responsible of 30% of Engineering report as property owner, should it need repair while we own it. However, we have to be sure to specify when we do these things, we are doing them as property owners not as the town, so then we do not become responsible for plowing the road, plowing the bridge, maintaining the bridge other then as a property owner would. Mr. Hopping reported it would be $2200.00 for a report on load bearing capacity of the bridge.

A budget item will need to be set up.

Meeting adjourned at 6:45pm to go into non-public per RSA91A3IId personnel matter.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley