Selectmen Minutes 12.02.08

DECEMBER 2, 2008
6:00PMThe Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00pm with Andrew Pinard, Charles Meany, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer was absent.

Review and Acceptance of the November 18, 2008 minutes:

On page 2, under Rescue Squad, first sentence, name is: Jennifer Humphrey.

On Page 2, under Conservation Commission, name Ausbon Sargent Land Trusts.

On Page 3, under 4589 Community Center: 8th line down should read: Kate Dubrowski, Director, advised The Friend’s of the BACC will sponsor etc.

On Page 4, under Regular Business No. 1 should state: signed by the Selectmen

No. 2 should state: not signed by the Selectmen. No. 3 should state: signed by the Selectmen.

On Page 6, under 4312, second motion should state: No second, No vote on the motion.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to accept the November 18, 2008 minutes written with edits. Seconded by Peter Fenton, Chair. Motion carried 3-0.


Ann Eldridge, Conservation Commission, came before the Selectmen with the Bog Easement for signatures. Trudy Willett, Notary, notarized the signatures. The Land Trust will pick these up and record them. Ann Eldridge inquired about the Senate Bill that Brooks McCandlish had come before the Selectmen with last month, which Charles Meany had suggested forwarding to Local Government Center for review. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised this has not been done at this time.

Dick Moore, came before the Selectmen regarding the Cemetery Budget # 4195.

Dick thanked the Selectmen for the New Equipment amount of $1500.00 to replace the rider. Gas and Oil for the Cemetery use is listed under the Highway Budget account number at this time. When asked if equipment purchasing was comparison shopped for, Dick advised he really likes to do business at the Lumber Barn as the service is unbeatable, however, he will get prices from more than one business, as suggested by the Selectmen. Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned the disposition of the old mower for inventory purposes. Dick Moore advised he would like to see more funds in the Tree Removal budget as he has 5 dead trees near cemeteries now that need cutting. Consensus of the Selectmen is to leave it at $1,000.00 for Tree Removal. Dick Moore advised the Union Congregational Society’s work done by Bruss last summer left ruts in the lawn which is making it impossible to mow. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she had spoken with Don Jackson who advised it was all resolved and he had spoken with Dick Moore regarding it. The Selectmen will check up on this.

Cheryl Frey, Welfare Budget did not come in tonight.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent came before the Selectmen regarding a sickle bar mower which can be handled by the tractor they already have. A 7′ reach sickle bar at Town Line Equipment was quoted at $8,000.00 to be under next years budget under equipment rental, which could cut the budget by $3,000.00 for rental equipment for mowing sides of roads per Steve. Steve also stated he will check with other dealers for prices. Dick Moore advised he feels it would be a challenge to mow the roadsides with a mounted mower attached to the back of a tractor. A side mounted mower would be more effective and easier to use in his opinion. Another concern brought up is the bamboo which is hanging over the road on Water Street, and the Selectmen instructed Steve Lucier to trim them back. Steve Lucier, Road Agent reiterated that there will be no municipal help with Bridge repair for at least a year, but the Bement Bridge has been capped to get it through the winter. He has procured prices from Weathercheck for a Metal roof with a 35 year warranty for an estimated price of twenty two thousand, two hundred thirty dollars ($22,230.00) and a wood shingle roof with a 25 year warranty for an estimated price of thirty one thousand three hundred fifteen ($31,315.00) dollars. These would be covered with Osha approved staging etc. being near the river. Charles Meany suggested checking with the Lumber Barn for cost of composite shakes. Andrew Pinard reiterated contacting Chris Mock as he has shown interest in the project. Millie Kittredge was questioned as this is a Historical bridge, what is the feeling regarding a metal roof. She replied that metal roofs were around in the 1840’s and this has been redone many times. Millie Kittredge suggested checking with John Mock who would probably have names of roofers that could be contacted. Steve Lucier, Road Agent suggested this be put on as a Warrant Article for town meeting.

Steve advised West Meadow bridge may need to be redone before next summer is over, or at least repaired, as it has a big distress in it, the asphalt is cracking.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent stated he obtained some prices on asphalt for reclaiming Sunset Hill. Allstate Asphalt price which is considered Farmer’s Mix (like most of the roads in town are), including grinding, grading at a price of one hundred twenty three thousand six hundred seventy five dollars ($123,675.00). Pike does basically the same thing except they use hot mix for a price quoted at one hundred fifty four thousand dollars ($154,000.00). Contracts are not guaranteed like they used to be because of the fluxuation in the cost of material. This was suggested as being a Warrant Article for Sunset Hill. Steve Lucier also addressed the old 1978 pickup truck that Ken Anderson used at the landfill which has not run for a year.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard that if the truck can be sold for scrap lets do so. Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried 3-0. Steve advised he has a buyer for it. It was suggested by Charles Meany to contact Larry’s or Claremont Auto Salvage to see if they would pay anything for it first, and if not sell it to the buyer Steve knows of.

McNab Property, Cilley Lane, Map 17, Lot 53 & 63. Peter Fenton, Chair advised there is an issue with the McNab property of which is part of the Town property, and the McNab’s have a Right Of Way over. After much discussion, it was decided that Mr. McNab should come into a public meeting of the Selectmen, and Peter Fenton will talk with them to see when a convenient time to meet would be.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned what can be done with the lake in the town hall parking lot which freezes and is treacherous. Steve Lucier, Road Agent suggested running a trench down the middle of the parking lot and filling with crushed rock which could be done for about $90.00. Consensus of the Selectmen was to take care of it.

Highway Garage progress: Charles Meany advised he had spent considerable time with Mike Sailer today. Mike is willing to come in and talk with the Selectmen on December 16, 2008 at their non-public meeting to explain where they are at. Mr. Sailer is concerned about where some of the costs have increased since the onset of the project, and he will bring documentation concerning costs. Nate Kimball came in with his machine and Flinkstrom Brothers did electrical work that was required by Public Service, all as volunteers. Water is hooked up to buildings per Steve Lucier. The Building Inspector has been observing the construction on a regular basis per Charles Meany. The next phase is the metal going up, and in two to three weeks a request for more money will be forth coming. The Selectmen had conversation requesting the snow route from Steve Lucier, Road Agent. Also brought up by the Selectmen is not hiring any part time help to plow snow. Steve Lucier explained why a part time person is needed during a larger snow storm. Charles Meany suggested that some time there will have to be a discussion and training for the waste oil furnace in the highway garage.

Regular Business:

Accounts Payable and Payroll manifests for review were signed.

Contracts for signature included West Meadow Road Bridge contract.

Town facilities Capital Reserve withdrawals were signed, one for $50,000.00, voted at special town meeting, and one for $100,000.00, for Highway Garage Capital Reserve.

Regarding Police business, Chuck Goodale slipped and broke his hand and will be out of commission for another six to eight weeks. The Chief of Police advised another $4200.00 should be added to part time budget.

A letter from Avitar was read by Cheryl Behr, Administrator regarding their absorbing Taramap. It was explained by Andrew Pinard that they would take the files that are owned by the town, but done by Taramap and they have to port them from the particular methods the original mappers used into their current system. They will be done in standard GIS foremat. The maps will change from just having road frontage on them to having all the dimensions on all the parcels.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to contract with Avitar for one more year and get them to do the additional work that the’re proposing as part of that, and the Selectmen revisit this in a year. No second, No vote. Further discussion in non-public session.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard that we contract with Cartographics for the mapping. Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried 3-0.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator produced a folder with information regarding Cartographics.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to authorize the Town Administrator to purchase the Bar Code software in the 2008 budget. Seconded by Peter Fenton, Chair. Motion carried 3-0.

Cease and Desist on DPx2 (Fittness Center) discussion ensued resulting from a letter from the Planning Board because of non-compliance with their Site Plan. Andrew Pinard advised he had contacted Paul Sanderson from Local Government Center. Andrew Pinard advised his recommendation to the Board of Selectmen is to communicate to the Planning Board that they are not going to enforce the Cease and Desist on this particular circumstance, and would further recommend that the Planning Board take up the Application again and provide the Selectmen with sufficient justification for denying the Application for Modified Site Plan, based on safety and specific zoning grounds. Much heated conversation ensued. Charles Meany questioned if the Selectmen are going to support the Boards that represent the Selectmen in the community? Andrew Pinard’s recommendation is that the Board of Selectmen sit down with the Planning Board and discuss the enforcement problems inherent with some of the decisions being made in this particular circumstance. Peter Fenton, Chair advised that Phil LaMoreaux, Chair of the Planning Board will be asked to come to a Selectmen’s meeting on January 6, 2008 for further discussion regarding this issue.

Kate Dubrowski, Director of the Community Center advised the elevator inspector found a problem, and the cable needs to be replaced for a cost of approximately $625.00 including inspection, materials and labor. Also, Rob Kenyon replaced the pipe that was leaking on the boiler for a cost of $262.50. The parking lot light will be around $500.00, for a total of $1,387.00. This is out of 2008 budget.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised there is an increase in medical costs due to rise in dental rates. Cheryl also indicated she had been approached regarding Disability Insurance for the Police Dept. which would be about $2300.00 cost to the town for a long term annual premium, and questioned if the annual premium could be deducted from the employees. Cheryl will check into this further through Local Government Center. It was explained that long term disability would cover no matter where an injury occurred, on or off the job, whereas workers compensation pays only for on the job injuries.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she had been to a Rescue Squad/billing service meeting.

Motion was made, seconded and carried 3-0 to go into non-public session at 8:22pm.

Out of non-public session at 8:50pm

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Boat Launch has requested a warrant article for next year.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
