Selectmen Minutes 12.16.08

Town of Bradford
Selectmen’s Meeting
December 16, 2008

The Selectmen’s Meeting was held in the Community Center due to power outage at the Town Hall.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the Selectmen’s Meeting to order at 4:30pm, with Andrew Pinard, Charles Meany, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer was absent.

Mike Croteau, SEA Consultants:

Mike Croteau, SEA Consultants came before the Selectmen to inform them of the progress of the engineering study report regarding the West Road Bridge as to what the State had given as an original estimate. He put large diagrams of the proposed job to be done up for all to follow the plan as well as hand outs listing topics of discussion. Original preliminary estimated plans included 300 LF, new plan includes 775 LF. The study also proposes to widen the roadway to 24 feet within the guardrail limits, and beyond those limits, would revert back to the existing roadway limits of 20’ width. Steve Lucier, Road Agent had advised them, there has been flooding in the low point, once in 2005, and 2006 up to 5 or 6 inches. This flooding caused a 5 or 6 mile detour for travelers. When asked, Mike Croteau advised the plans may be done by the end of August and a realistic time frame could be a year from next spring for job actually being worked on. Mention was also made that this could be considered a historical site.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair for Mike Croteau to submit the Engineering Study simultaneously to the State with a copy of the letter to the town. Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried 3-0.

Discussion ensued regarding the emergency situation from the ice storm here in town and how it could be handled in preparation of future emergencies. There is still no power at the dump facility; however there is a receptacle near the Historical Society building outside the gate for the public use.

Andrew Pinard advised the response of the community and Bruce Edwards has spent many hours coordinating efforts between the rescue squad, fire department and the Community Center. NFI students and four staff members were housed one night with two police officers in attendance. Also many meals were prepared from food that was donated from the public. One concern is, there are no showers currently at the Community Center, however, the Fire Department allowed their showers to be used. It was also discussed that the word does need to be put out so the public does know the Community Center is there for emergency use.

Peter Fenton, Chair stated on behalf of the Selectmen, that everyone in town made a great effort during this emergency, the Community Center, Kate Dobrowski, Andrew Pinard, Selectman, Charles Meany, Selectman was out around town, the Fire Dept.was manned, Police Department and Town Crews, everyone did an outstanding job.

Meeting adjourned at 5:05pm to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91A3IIc.

Back in Regular Session at 5:56PM

Marcia Keller, Ken Anderson, and Bindy Glennie, Solid Waste Advisory Committee came before the Selectmen. Marcia Keller presented suggested signs to let people know what the regulations are by putting them at: 1. By the compactor and some other obvious place within the building. 2. Outside of the building by the compactor showing what should be recycled. 3. Bulk Item Fee Schedule, from the handout at the transfer station. Payment should be made by check or coupons. Charles Meany reiterated that if a person comes in with shingles, they should have a building permit which would show they are a resident of Bradford, to which the Selectmen agreed this could be a requirement. Marcia Keller advised the committee would like the Selectmen’s approval of the language on the signs. If there is no problem with the language, they would either use New Hampshire the Beautiful funds or funds in the recycling funds if there is any. The signs have to be large and visible. Marcia Keller brought up the Ordinance which indicates the Manager of the facility, appointed by the Board of Selectmen, or in their absence the replacement designated by the manager with the Selectmen’s approval would act as manager. After much discussion regarding how to handle the required recycling, Marcia Keller advised it is an advantage to the town to recycle. Cheryl Behr, Administrator’s concern is that no one reaches into the compactor to pull out items which could be dangerous to the employees. If inspection needs to be done, it needs to be before items get into the compactor. A review of the fee schedule is needed, as well as enforcement procedures of recycling needs to be addressed further. Cheryl Behr, Administrator also suggested if there is a place to quote the RSA’s, it would be helpful. It was advised TV’s will be collected at this time according to the fee charged per size. Ken Anderson advised they now have a pallet to set them on and shrink wrap them. Peter Fenton, Chair pointed out a statement to remove “avoid confrontation” and add “your cooperation is helpful” was suggested by Andrew Pinard. Payment for recycling was discussed at length. Consensus of the board is the first two signs are fine with the one edit. The fees need to be analyzed and reviewed by the Recycling Committee and Transfer Station Manager and come before the Selectmen with a proposed list of fees which are up to date, per Andrew Pinard. The dump is closed until there is power per the Selectmen.

Ken Anderson, Land Fill Manager returned to the meeting and advised people have a lot of garbage from refrigerators and freezers not being on due to the power outages. They do need to have a container available for them. It was agreed that George Naughton would be notified to move the container that is down near the Historical Society building so people could go to the dump to dispose of their discards, which is easier for them to reach.

The public Hearing on unanticipated revenue and grants for 2008 was not held.

Also not appearing was the Friends of BACC, nor Cheryl Frey, Welfare Budget.

4150                Financial Administration

Error corrected

4152                Revaluation

4155                Employee Benefits

Short term disability just in discussion stages at this time. Discussion ensued with explanation from Cheryl Behr, Administrator.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to pass 4155- Employee Benefits on to the Budget Committee. Seconded by Charles Meany, motion carried 3-0.

4194                General Government Bldgs.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator pointed out the off site computer back up to include the web site hosting which is $180.00 a year, making total $1380.00

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to pass 4194, General Government Bldgs. on to the Budget Committee Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried 3-0.

4195                Cemetery

4196                Insurances

Increase due to Rescue Squad. Andrew Pinard suggested a break out of individual departments would be very beneficial and shown as a reporting line underneath the budget.

4316                Street Lights

Petition Warrant Article submitted for zoning changes will be discussed with Legal Government Center by Cheryl Behr, Administrator. There has been a list of thirty signatures submitted by petition to change the wording to reduce the two buildable acres to two acres. The Town Clerk has confirmed the signatures as to addresses.

Bruce Edwards, Bradford Emergency Management Director appeared before the Selectmen, and advised there has been no serious problems, and has had people coming into the Community Center. He has been in touch with the Fire Dept. Has had medical issue calls concerning being cold. People have been coming in from other towns. Bruce Edwards stated he has gone to meetings once a month for nearly two years, and feels this helped tremendously, as he had all the pertinent information he needed readily available.

Bruce advised as of right now, 454 facilities in Bradford are without power. A generator for the school was discussed, and it was stated they have their own grant programs and should file. In an emergency, Bruce Edwards advised he could get a generator up and running in about three hours, coming out of Pease or Manchester. Peter Fenton, Chair advised he would like to see that a generator is available at the school.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief came in, and Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she had spoken with Chris Aiken advising the Budget Committee meeting scheduled for tonight had been rescheduled for Thursday, December 18, 2008.

Accounts payable and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed. Cartographics contract for mapping signed in public session as well as Septage Agreement with the City of Franklin and Purchase orders for the Fire Dept. grant signed.

Holiday closing schedule is posted on the web site including the one half day before and all day after Christmas.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to go into Non Public session at 7:10pm. Seconded and Carried 3-0..

Out of non public session at 7:16pm and motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
