Selectmen Minutes 07.21.13

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

July 21, 2014


Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call – John Pfeifle, Chairman, Sonny Harris, Selectman, Harry Wright, Selectman and Cheryl Behr, Administrator.  Marge Cilley, Secretary away.



  1. French’s Park and Transfer Station passes – Sandra Bravo met with Selectmen to ask why she was refused a transfer station pass for her daughter’s vehicles.  She owns a year round home in town but is not a year round resident.  The Board requested Cheryl call the Transfer Station Staff to issues permits to property owners in town.  This includes families with more than one vehicle and seasonal residents and guests.  The Board requested Cheryl call Lois and inform her of their decision.
  2.  Solar Panel presentation – Representatives of NH Solar Garden met with the Board of Selectmen to introduce themselves and their business of solar panel installations.  Arrays of various sizes and types are placed on public land via lease plans and rebates on town use v. solar kwh production are paid back to the town.  The Board requested information be sent to the town for review.  They also invited the representative to visit several sites in town to establish potential use.
  3. Mark Goldberg reported on the possible value of the ambulance.  Several offers have been made with one firm also willing to take the power stretcher on consignment.  The selectmen approved of the offer from Sugarloaf and have authorized Mark Goldberg to handle the sale.  The motion was made to authorize Mark Goldberg to sell the ambulance (sale) and the power stretcher (consignment) to Sugarloaf. The Vote was Pfeifle, yes; Harris, yes; Wright, yes.
  4. Mark Goldberg and rescue squad members were present to discuss the budget and plans for the formation of the FAST squad.  Discussion of the budget and the status of the volunteers followed.  Two members of the ambulance squad have left and the future squad membership was unknown if their on call stipend was eliminated.  The Selectmen approved of payment to cover training.  The Selectmen made the motion to form the FAST squad as an uncompensated volunteer squad.  The vote was unanimous in favor of this plan (Pfeifle, yes; Harris, yes; Wright, yes).  Mark Goldberg also presented the Selectmen with figures for a new FAST vehicle – a Chevrolet Suburban.  Cost of vehicle and outfitting will be $56,500 from Miller Auto.  Selectmen motioned to authorize Mark Goldberg to handle this transaction as well.  Vote was Pfeifle, yes; Harris, yes; Wright, yes.
  5. Mr. and Mrs. Duffy of Howlett Road met with Selectmen for the schedule to repair their road.  John Pfeifle stated the apron would be patched this year and was on the list for repair next year.  The Road Surface Management Software was discussed.  The Selectmen will be in contact with the Road Agent to investigate the program’s benefits.


Regular Business

  1. Intent to cut for Map 14-Lot 15 – intent to cut not properly completed.  Holding for the properly completed form.
  2. CRSW will be distributing the monies paid in by members to address the ash landfill project which has been canceled.  The returns will be based on tonnage figures over the years.  Returns are expected to be mailed within the next two weeks. Bradford will receive about $28,000.00.
  3. Selectmen reviewed the year to date budget figures.  Discussion on steps to be taken to control future spending.  Cheryl will inform employees that they need to take their vacations prior to year end as the Board will suspend the practice of paying up to one week of unused vacation.
  4. Harry requested an email he sent on thanking the July 5th workers be forwarded to the Bradford Bridge for publication.


Pending issues:

  1. Transfer Station Contracts – in the hands of the town attorney.
  2. Autocraft – referred to the town attorney for letter to owner.  Sonny Harris noted that State Rte 114 was a 2.5 rod road.  Suggestion was made to contact the state DES as well.


Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest signed.


Review and accept Minutes – amend minutes of July 7th. Include the results of a motion not to relocate the existing bulletin board at the Town Hall to another location.  The vote not to move was unanimous and the bulletin board will remain where it is.


Motion to accept minutes as amended – Pfeifle, yes; Harris, yes; Wright, yes.


Meeting adjourned at 6:50pm