Selectmen’s agenda April 21, 2009

April 21th 2009
Selectmen’s MeetingRoll Call

1. Kevin Allen
2. Millie Kittredge re: waiver for Martin
3. Mr. Wright regarding Independence Day road race
4. Ray Goodale regarding tax matter

Other business:
1. Adoption of the LEOP completed last May 2008
2. Accounts payable and payroll manifests for review
3. Review KAP (preschool) lease. BACC mission statement
4. Linda Pierce re property damage
5. Beginning of reduced hours on May 1st. Schedule for Selectmen’s office.
6. Schedule for RFP’s for fencing and generator.
7. Letters for signature – Manchester, Deed for Mac Nab,
8. Cemetery – radio for truck
9. Town hall driveway
10. Non public session regarding personnel matters per RSA 91A3IIc