Planning Board Minutes 04.14.09

APRIL 14, 2009

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00pm with Barry Wheeler, Barbara Vannata, Sonny Harris, Jack Meaney, Selectmen’s Representative, Bill Glennie, Jane Johnsen, Alternate, Jim Bibbo, Alternate present. Marcia Keller was absent.

Review and Consideration of March 10, 2009 minutes:

Motion was made by Barbara Vannata to accept the minutes as presented. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 6-0.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair seated Jane Johnsen for Marcia Keller.

Peter Isham, Pleasant Valley Road, Map 6, Lot 106 advised the planning board that there has been some confusion regarding his application at the time Ian Thomas, CNHRPC left, and they had tried to work with Matt Monahan,CNHRPC but he couldn’t get into the room with the files. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised when Robert Stewart, Jr. RCS Design does need to meet with Matt Monahan, to let us know, and that will be possible. Peter Isham advised that yes, they are still working on the application, and hopefully next month they will be in.

Conceptual Consultation:

Ray Critch, representing 1500 West Road Development, LLC, Site Plan for Map 17, Lots 2 & 3. (Master’s Store Facility)

Mr. Critch presented two authorization letters, 1. from Debbie Dimond and 2. from Mike Carter.

Mr. Critch advised the existing property consists of two lots, lot 2 where the store is, and lot 3, the storage area in the back. Desire is to consolidate the two lots, take down the three existing buildings and build a larger building. Where the storage bays are now located would be utilized as a parking lot. Today there is about 9000 square feet of buildings; proposal is for 5800 square feet. The proposed building would be a multi use building, with the main function being a grocery store. No architectural plans are available at this time, but the plan is to keep it in the rural character of the neighborhood. The Right of Way is in the deed for TDS. A total of 18 parking spaces were in the plans.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised a special exception could be needed and initially he should be in touch with the Building Inspector. Copies of the plans were left for the board members to look at.

Skip McKean, for Ayer and Goss Facility, Route 114, Map 6, Lot 104 & 105.

Skip McKean came before the planning board regarding putting in another propane tank next to the existing one that was approved in August 1990. This tank would be a 30,000 gallon size. The State and Bradford Fire Department input would be required. Since this would be an addition, a Modified Site Plan would be required. Mr. McKean was requested to bring in an updated Site Plan showing any changes he may have made.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised that the submission of the application is required three weeks prior to the meeting in which it will be heard. It was also advised that if there were no comments or conditions from the Fire Department, then an approval could be done in one meeting.

Old Business:

Scott Bussiere, representing Ledgewood Pines, Old Warner Road, Map 3, Lots 94 & 96:

Discussion resumed regarding the revised Road Bond Estimate. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised there was a revision as a great deal of time had elapsed since the bond was initially submitted. In reply to a question by Mr. Bussiere, Phil LaMoreaux, advised the Road Bond is required to be in place prior to final approval being issued. Mr. Bussiere advised that some other towns have put in place a reclamation bond.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to modify the existing Conditions of Approval to state a Reclamation Bond is posted, plus the stipulation be added to the deed that no lots be sold or transferred until either the road is complete or a Construction bond is in place. This condition will be accepted only with the approval of the Bradford Town Attorney. Bill Glennie Seconded the motion. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair voted Nay. Motion carried 6-0.

Final copies of the plans are still needed at this time, signed by the Engineers, and Ken Anderson. On one plan, one recording, the Boundary Line Adjustment, the new lot lines, the Voluntary Merger all needs to be included and signed by all the current owners. Deed descriptions are needed for the big lot as well as Ken Anderson’s lot. A Mylar, and 5 full sized copies of the plan are also required, as well as a check for recording.

Responses to letters sent:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised there has been no response to certified letters sent out, only responses that they have received them for the following.

1. Arkadi Nikiforow, 127 Pleasant View Road, Map 1, Lot 23.

2. DPX2 – Route 103, Map 3, Lot 52.

3. Carolyn Demers – 2524 State Route 103, Map 3, Lot 52.

To Do Folder Contents Reviewed:

Spring Conference date mentioned

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair will send correspondence to Harriet Hobbs re: gravel pit.

Meeting Adjourned 8:20pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
