Selectmen’s Minutes 01.05.15

Board of Selectmen Meeting

January 5, 2015



Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Harry Wright, Selectman

The Board welcomed Camila Devlin as Secretary to the Board of Selectmen.


  • Bradford resident Elizabeth Bouley, who was unable to attend, sent a letter of complaint that was read to record regarding her interactions with the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s office. The Town Clerk was present to detail the series of events leading up to the letter. The Board expressed appreciation for the Town Clerk’s efforts. Town Administrator will draft a letter of response to Ms. Bouley.
  • THRC Representative Beth Rodd presented a request for a grant to make the Town Hall wheelchair accessible. A public meeting will be held January 17, 2015, location to be determined, regarding details. Motion was made to approve the THRC’s request for a grant. Motion approved 3-0.

Regular Business

  1. Budget/Warrant Articles– Selectmen continued the review of 2015 budget and warrant articles. Board discussed joining more services with surrounding towns in order to regulate budget increases. The Budget Committee meets Wednesday, January 7, 2015.
  1. Bridge Line Item– The Breezy Hill Bridge cost stands at $24,025. The budget currently reserves $100/year for bridge repair and maintenance. In years past the yearly allowance was $8,000 for continuous service. It was decided that rather than increase the line item, bridge painting and general cleaning would be added to the Road Crew’s list.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest reviewed and signed.

Minutes of December 29, 2014 meeting reviewed and accepted as presented.

Meeting adjourned at 6:25pm.


Minutes submitted by Camila Devlin