THRC Minutes 03.10.12



MARCH 10, 2012


After a light lunch furnished by the members of the committee, following the Meet the Candidates and the Off the Rax Fashion Show, the Town Hall Restoration Committee met at 12:10pm with Eileen Kelly, Chair, Audrey Sylvester, Phyllis Wilcox, Marcia Keller, Dick Keller, Caryl Walker Michele Halsted, Sandy Wright, George Cilley, John Greenwood and Marge Cilley Secretary present.

Also attending the meeting were Harry Wright, Mark Fournier, Carl Rubchinuk, Lianne Rubchinuk, Bob Lincoln and Tom Dunn.

Eileen Kelly thanked everyone for attending this meeting.

Eileen Kelly advised that Ray Duckler from the Concord Monitor, with a photographer were at the Town Hall where Dick Keller, Harry Wright, Selectman, George Cilley and Eileen Kelly, members of the Town Hall Restoration Committee gave them a complete tour of the inside of the building, from the basement to the attic, where they took pictures as well as getting a history of the building. This is to be part of the Monitor’s series of pre Town Meetings.

Town Meeting Preparation:

It was hoped that Brackett Scheffy would be willing to come to the meeting this morning, but he notified Eileen Kelly that he had an emergency and was unable to attend. There are several concerns the Town Hall Restoration Committee did want to discuss with him prior to Town Meeting.

Mark Fournier questioned the cost and specifics to proceed with the Renovation project. He has construction experience and would like to help in any way that he can.

There was a question about amending Warrant Article 5.

Motion was made by Dick Keller to not recommend amending Article 5. Seconded by George Cilley. Motion carried 10-0.

There will be some hand-outs at voting on Tuesday, March 13th and a list of who will give them out was made.

The Secretary will write a letter to Bruss Construction to extend their appreciation for their making copies for the Town Hall Restoration Committee hand outs as well as all the other support they have provided the town.

Discussion ensued regarding what should be and not be presented prior to the Article 5 and how and what responses may be. It was stated that the Article was approved unanimously by the Selectmen and Budget Committee even though it does not state that in the Warrant Article.

Motion was made by Marcia Keller for Eileen Kelly to make the presentation at Town Meeting. Motion was seconded by all and Unanimously approved.

The next meeting of the Town Hall Restoration Committee will be on:

SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 2012 AT 10:00am.

Meeting Adjourned 1:30pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
