THRC Minutes 05.22.14

THRC Minutes 5.22.14

May 22, 2014



May 22, 2014

7:00 PM

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Eileen Kelly, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm with Nikki Dubaere, Mel Pfeifle, Karen Hambleton, Sandy Paul, Jim Bibbo, Marcia Keller, Dick Keller, Sandy Wright and Sue Reynolds, Secretary, present.

Absent were Audrey Sylvester, Marge Cilley, Scott MacLean, Walter Royal, and John Greenwood.

Review and Consideration of April 17, 2014 Minutes:

Motion was made by Marcia Keller, and seconded by Jim Bibbo to approve the minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

Clean Up of Town Hall – Date:

Discussion of when and what needed to be done to clean up the Town Hall before the Fourth of July activities. It was decided that Mel Pfeifle, Jim Bibbo, Nikki Dubaere and Sue Reynolds will go in during the week to clean up from the Christmas greens sale. Cleaning will include wiping down tables and sweeping and general clean up. Tables will be left for use during the Art Show on July 5, 2014. The group will determine the date of this clean up and will let Eileen Kelly know when it is complete.

July Fourth (5th) Activities:

  1. Art Show at Town Hall – Audrey Sylvester is coordinating this activity. Tables and display wall are already in place.
  2. Parade Float – Parade begins at 4:00 p.m. on July 5, 2014. The subcommittee consists of Karen Hambleton, Sandy Wright, Sandy Paul, and Marcia Keller. Sandy Wright will contact Pam Wall about painting a cut out of the town hall. Old flags will be used as skirting and Karen Hambleton will contact people about a truck and/or trailer to use for the float. Jim Bibbo offered his truck as a backup.
  3. Activities on the lawn at the Town Hall – Sandy Paul will look into a dunking booth and also check if the church already has one scheduled. Sandy will also look into the Red Wagon program. A suggestion was made to do a dog show. This was received with great enthusiasm. Sue Reynolds offered to provide prizes and judges will be Nikki Dubaere, Marcia Keller, and Sue Reynolds. Discussion followed and it was suggested to make it a Pet Show to include other animals and charge an entrance fee of $5.00 which will go toward the Town Hall Restoration. Sue Reynolds will type something up to go into the Bridge.

Lake Massasecum Casino- Summer Event:

Marcia Keller updated the committee regarding this event. Unfortunately, this event will not work this year due to scheduling issues. It was suggested to look to the summer of 2015 to do this.

Stakeholders list-Contacts-Letters of Support:

This item was tabled due to absence of key committee members.

Capital Campaign Update:

Discussion of how to move forward with the campaign now that Bruss Construction has suspended business took place. It was decided to ask the Board of Selectmen (BOS) for guidance. Sue Reynolds will ask to be put on the agenda for the June 2, 2014 BOS meeting to address this issue.

Other Business:

  1. Town Hall Roof and Scope of Design – Discussion occurred regarding asking the BOS to move forward with Requests for Proposal to have the new roof, approved by voters at the Town Meeting, installed. It was decided to wait until the roof was complete to ask the BOS to move forward with the Scope of Design, which was also approved by voters in March at the Town Meeting.

Motion was made by Karen Hambleton to approve asking the BOS to put out a Request for Proposals. It was seconded by Mel Pfeifle and Sandy Paul. The motion passed unanimously.

This will be requested at the June 2, 2014 BOS meeting by Sue Reynolds.

  1. Meeting with Rural heritage Connection – Jim Bibbo stated that the Rural Heritage Connection (RHC) is requesting a joint meeting between our groups to discuss a joint effort in fund raising to ensure there is no duplication of effort. It was decided to invite the RHC to the June 19, 2014 meeting of the THRC.
  2. Jim Bibbo also informed the group that the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation does not provide grants for repairs; however they are able to help in other areas such as providing grants to assist in paying a full time fund raiser. It was decided to table this until further guidance is received from the BOS.

Next meeting is scheduled for June 19, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. at the Bradford Community Center.

There being no other business, meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sue Reynolds
