ZBA Minutes 02.03.16


February 3, 2016


Meeting called to order at 7:00pm by Brooks McCandlish, Chair.

Members Present

Brooks McCandlish, Chair; Mark Fournier, Vice Chair; Stephen Pierce; Denise Renk

Members Absent

Erich Caron, Alternate

Review and Consideration of Minutes

Minutes of January 6,2016 reviewed with no edits.

Minutes from site walk of 103, Map 3 Lot 89 on January 14, 2016 reviewed with no edits

Public Hearing for Map 3-89

Prior to the public hearing Robert C. Stewart, representing Verne and Frances Clow, presented the board

with a letter indicating that the “Abutter Notice for Public Hearing” was improperly noticed. The notice

indicated there was a variance request to Article III, Section D.3 regarding set back, and the noticed

should have requested Article VIII Section D. Therefore the board motioned to postpone the hearing for

two weeks. The Public Hearing will be held on 2/17/16 at 7:00pm.

– Motion made to approve postpone hearing for two weeks with proper notice. Voted 4-0.

As there was no additional business to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.