ZBA Minutes 05.01.19

Members: Brooks McCandlish Chair, Ken Parys Vice-Chair, Nathanial Bruss, Denise Renk, Stephen Pierce (arrived at 7:18pm, Bob Hodges seated for Steve) Alternates Bill Duffy (Absent), Bob Hodges (Seated)

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM

Minutes from the April 3rd meeting were reviewed.

Motion: Ken Parys motioned approve.

Second: Nathanial Bruss

Decision: vote 5-0, approved


1. Jessica and Matt Michie appeared to discuss whether a Special Exception would be needed to open a retail lawn and garden center that would also include the sale of pet supplies at the former Kearsarge Fitness Center property located on Route 103, Map 3/Lot 52-2A which is located in the Residential District.

After reviewing the Special Exception, previously issued, which allowed the Kearsarge Fitness Center business in this Residential Zone, it was determined that the Special Exception approved was specific to the business. The Michie’s will need to seek a new Special Exception from the Zoning Board, as well as Site Plan approval from the Planning Board.

The Michie’s presented a Special Exception application for the Boards consideration.

Motion: Nathanial Bruss motioned to accept the application and schedule a Public Hearing for June 5th, 2019, contingent upon receiving an updated Abutter’s List.

Second: Ken Parys

Decision: vote 5-0

New Business:

1. Ken, Nathanial and Denise will be attending the Spring Planning & Zoning Conference on June 1st, 2019.

2. The Board discussed reviewing current Zoning Ordinances in upcoming meetings. Areas suggested for review were:

a. Shoreline Setbacks

b. Establishing a Table of Uses for the various Districts

c. Establishing more specific requirements, conditions and criteria to outline when a Special Exception can be granted.

Zoning Board Communication:

The next ZBA meeting will be held at the BACC June 5th, 2019 at 7:00pm

Motion: Bob Hodges motioned to adjourn at 7:50pm

Second: Nathanial Bruss

Decision: vote 5-0

Draft minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn