Select Board Agenda 09.30.08

Selectmen’s Meeting

September 30, 2008


Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call


1.       Marlene Freyler – independence day

2.       William Kranz – re: recycling committee

3.       Steve Lucier re: progress on Hwy Garage

Regular Business

1.       Accounts payable and payroll manifest for review

2.       Personnel manual for signature

3.       Selectmen discussion on wage and salary issues

4.       Merrimack Cty materials for signature

5.       Timber tax bill and warrant for signature

6.       Intent to cut for map 11 lot 32 (Patenaude)

7.       MS-5 for signature

8.       Assessing service responses

9.       Personnel manual for signature

10.   Budget matters, benefits and wage issues

11.   Budgets have been distributed – Planning already returned.

12.   Plans for 2009 work on the town hall

13.   Town properties available for sale