Select Board Minutes 04.19.11

APRIL 19, 2011

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Barry Wheeler, Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.


Jeff Remillard, Road Agent:

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent introduced Phil Redmond as a new Highway Department employee, who was welcomed by the Board of Selectmen.

Marlene Freyler:

Marlene Freyler came before the Selectmen with a Fireworks proposal from ATLAS for Eighty five hundred ($8500.00) dollars. Marlene also presented the idea of a Bavarian Band to play in the parade and in the park after the parade for a couple of hours, for $2550.00. She advised she already has a flatbed to provide for them. Another topic brought up by Marlene is the possibility of having dispensation from the Selectmen for a Beer tent set up when the Bavarian Band plays in the park for a couple of hours. Discussion ensued as there is a “No alcohol on Town Property in place.” A one day liquor license would need to be provided per Marlene. Cheryl Behr, Administrator will check on the liability aspect with the Local Government Center. Jack Meaney suggested Marlene check with the beer companies to see if there is a fee for them to come up here. Marlene also asked if the money derived from this could go back into the Patriotic Purposes account to which Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised no, it would be considered as Unanticipated Revenue that the Selectmen could vote to spend for that purpose.

Harry Wright, Chair asked if the public has any input regarding this. Someone brought up what about the children around during that time.

George Cilley advised he felt it was not a very good idea to have liquor. The Town of Bradford would be on the license if there is one, and the fee for that is $125.00 per Marlene.

Discussion also took place regarding parking in the back of the former Marshall property during the 4th of July celebration. This is currently closed off. This would keep cars off Main Street. Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised he felt it could be arranged.

John Goildassas, Pizza Chef:

Mr. Goildassas advised there is a lot of water coming out of his basement and is going into the parking lot, bypassing the drain as it is too high. His question to the Selectmen is can he fix the cover of the drain so the water could flow into it. Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised water that comes from a basement cannot go into the storm drain as it would no longer be considered as ground water by DES law. Jeff suggested he may need to find a low point and drain it out back. Mr. Goildassas advised he never had any problems previously, (since 1999) to the new drain put in by the highway department. This happens mostly in the spring. Thought was that perhaps the riser on the drain could be shortened and the water would go there rather then in Mr. Goildassas basement. The Selectmen will look at it during the next rain storm and make a decision.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator presented a purchase order from Sanels for the hydraulic hose and fittings for forty three hundred dollars ($4300.00) to come out of the parts budget. Discussion took place as to the down time in the winter being reduced, therefore paying for these parts for equipment in a year’s time.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to approve the purchase order to Sanels for the hydrolic hose and fittings in the amount of $4300.00. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0.

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent brought up the Rental Equipment of his equipment. He indicated it would be less expensive than to bid individual jobs out. Barry Wheeler suggested finding out exactly what jobs are required to be done and for what period of time equipment would be needed. Dick Marion spoke up in favor of Jeff Remillard’s rental equipment as it would be less expensive. Jeff advised he would throw in moving his equipment within the rental price of fifteen thousand ($15,000) for six months.

Mark Goldberg questioned if they knew how much the equipment could be rented for to which Jeff Remillard, Road Agent replied yes, it was $5750.00 per month last year.

Harry Wright, Chair suggested Jeff put some jobs and length of time together for the Selectmen to compare with cost to contract out the jobs.

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief wants the fire pond, down by the fire house dredged; some crushing and screening could be done as well as some ditching.

It was determined that the town will take the responsibility of the dredging of the Fire Pond. Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief stated the estimated $7,500 for the cost of the dredging will be transferred to the Highway Dept. budget. Chris Frey questioned with the savings from the in house dredging of the Fire Pond, could it be worthwhile to use the remainder of the funds on the pond at Bradford Center? Discussion ensued and this was thought to be a good idea. Chris Aiken suggested the town not sign off on the Fire Pond dredging until Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief has signed off on it.

Chris Aiken questioned if Lake Todd will be drained this summer to do some dam work. Cheryl Behr will check with John Warren regarding this.

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised the highway department will be doing the sweeping of the streets and bridges this year, and not hire out the job.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief questioned Jeff Remillard, Road Agent about the culvert putting 40,000 pound trucks over it. Jeff advised he feels there is a sink hole starting there and perhaps a road plate should be thrown over it.

Bement Covered Bridge meeting with Denny Hisler:

Harry Wright, Chair advised Denny Hisler, Senior in Bridge Repair maintenance for the State of New Hampshire for years, met with Barry Wheeler and himself this morning. Mr. Hisler’s feelings were the substructure or the base of the bridge is just fine and just needs to be jacked back in place and do some proper anchoring with some of the support system. The X braces there at the top are nailed in and have been since probably 1969, since the bridge was last worked on, and should be bolted in place to hold it ridged.

The State report dated March 9 with the last date they inspected the bridge was March 4th. This states that they recommend the Road Agent close the bridge by barricading at both ends. Harry Wright, Chair advised this is because of super structure damage, because of the leaning, not because of any sub-structure issues they found. The state rated it as a 5 out of 9 or ten points. Marlene Freyler questioned the abutment that was discussed at a previous meeting. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised they did indicate that the large corner at the north west corner has many cracked stones and has settled. Barnes and Bridges report was also received by the Selectmen’s office as well as Mr. Truax, and they both advised stated that the town has to look at the above. The building does have to be straightened to eliminate more damage and obviously nothing can be done with the roof until that is done. If roofed before damage is taken care of, the roof would be compromised. Insurance was brought up and who covers it. If volunteers are doing the work, then the insurance and liability would be from the town. George Cilley commented on making sure whomever does the work should be a qualified company. He also commented that the road drainage on the north end flows into the abutment as there is no diversion and freezes and thaws

Don Jackson commented on George Cilley’s statement that it is very important to have experts come up with a plan to fix the bridge, and have it done right. The problem in the past twenty or thirty years is they have converted it from a post and beam trust bridge to a stick built as they gone in and nailed 2 X 4’s up, and that is what we have to be careful of. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Truax report outlined the same problem, and that due to the attempt to get higher or more clearance, the structure was modified by changing the trusses etc. and the bridge now is not operating structurally as the bridge was originally built. Costs

and details do need to be obtained for this project. Tim Andrews was another company who has looked at the bridge and given a report.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised one of the abutments was beautifully fitted granite stone, and the other one isn’t. The State has been inspecting the Bridge and there is a report from 1991, which was satisfactory, super structure –good, sub-structure –fair. In 1997, the sub-structure was poor and after some work was done on it, it was moved back to fair. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the cost to fix it completely is out of the Town’s reach, but something does need to be done and the town has been given some good advice.

Harry Wright commented that getting it jacked back straight quickly is important and re-roofing and getting some weight off it by getting shingles off and putting the standing seam roof on is important. Then, less not forget about it, but keep it in the budgeting process. By re-opening it, it would keep on-going interest in the bridge. Comment was made that if the town chose to fix the bridge and something happens to it after it is fixed, then no State help would be available per Jeff Remillard, Road Agent. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that in order to received State Bridge money it has to be rated at a certain level, at least a 6 ton rating. To get a 6 ton rating, there are certain things that need to get done, and this is one of the reasons it has been postponed this long on the bridge repair list.

Mr. Truax indicated how it could get to be a six ton rating. This is a necessary to obtain State funds. It was suggested that even if it were rated at 6 ton then is should be kept for passenger vehicles only.

Harry Wright advised he would like the same State Engineer, Nancy Mayville, P.E. to sign off that if the town does do the repair, do it according to XYZ they will have closure with a P.E. looking at it, rather than hiring a separate engineer looking at it.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned how the Selectmen want to handle the repair of the bridge. Barry Wheeler suggested jacking it up, putting proper bracing in it, putting a new roof on to take some weight off would probably take care of that problem and later on address the abutments. Schedule and cost should be in writing and then it could be submitted to the State if they would sign off on the work. Hopefully more information will be available at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

The backhoe was delivered today.

A resident advised the Bridge on Jones Road needs to be sealed as the concrete is coming apart badly. It is the Town’s responsibility and Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised it could be power washed first.

Accounts Payable and Payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Sidewalk Issues:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised they have been in contact with William Rose, DOT regarding some misunderstanding with the way the proposal was presented. Mr. Rose did not realize the Right of Way Work was included in the proposal, and thought we were coming up short of money or over budget. The Right of Way had been accounted for elsewhere, so we are actually under budget. The necessary corrections have been made in the contract, and the Selectmen signed them tonight. The first meeting with the surveyor’s will be in two weeks. A Planning Meeting will be held in May.

The new Personnel Manual was discussed and it was indicated that the document is more substantial and the Local Government Center helped in the preparation.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to adopt the new Personnel Manual dated April 18, 2011. Seconded by Harry Wright. Motion carried 3-0. A meeting of all town employee’s will be announced at a later date by Cheryl Behr, Administrator.

A letter was received from a concerned resident regarding sidewalks, parking issues on East Main Street and #114, and picking up after people’s dogs.

There has been an error in the ambulance billing, as E-Max billed the town who paid the bill and was charged to the operating budget, not to the ambulance billing account. The request is to have the Selectmen to reimburse the town for the billing amount of $5700.00 for the 2010 and 2011 year to date.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to approve the April 5, 2011 minutes with the following edit: Under Appearances, number 1. Eight lines down, delete “With the volunteer help of Carol Adams” Motion seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0.

E-Mail from Karen Hambleton with minutes of their meeting was received regarding the in completion of the formation of their committee, consequently could not answer some questions asked of them.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to give a time frame to the BACC Governence Board of July 1, 2011 for a progress report for the transition plan. Seconded by Harry Wright. Motion carried 3-0.

Barry Wheeler questioned two logging operations and it their intent to cut has an extension which expires on March 31, 2011. Cheryl Behr, will follow up on these.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised Mary Pinkham-Langer will no longer be available for gravel coverage, only under Dept. of Resources and Economic Development, under Forestry.

Motion was made to adjourn to Non Public session under RSA 91A3IIc personnel at 7:25pm.

No personnel decisions were made.

Out of Non-Public at 8:15pm

Discussion ensued regarding employee meeting to review the new Personnel Manuel and early some morning was agreed upon.

Motion made, seconded and carried to adjourn 8:25pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
